SCPA-EN-00275 "Chrono-Cascade Counter"
SCPA-EN-00275 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00275
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00275 is to be kept in a standard secure storage locker at Site-██. The locker should be kept under surveillance at all times, and access is limited to personnel with Level 3 or higher clearance. Testing of SCPA-EN-00275 on all dates is strictly prohibited without express written permission from at least two Level 4 personnel. In the event of any anomalous activation, the immediate area is to be evacuated, and a team of at least five personnel with Level 4 clearance is to be dispatched to contain the situation and reset SCPA-EN-00275.
SCPA-EN-00275 is a metallic device resembling a small clock, measuring 10 cm in height, and 15 cm in width. Each of its six sides has a different symbol on them, which correspond to each of the six standard calendar periods (Days, weeks, months, seasons, years, decades). The mechanism behaves only in the presence of human subjects, and when activated, it counts down to the next inevitable checkpoint of the selected period. The countdown rate varies from instance to instance but averages around one week.
When the countdown reaches zero, SCPA-EN-00275 emits a bright flash of light, after which the selected period resets to its beginning. This effect reverts all changes significant to the selected period, such as physical appearances, temporal properties, and other similar traits. Any events, changes, or interactions that occur within this period are erased from the timeline, unless they have been documented separately. Subjects that come into contact with SCPA-EN-00275 during the activated period, are not affected by the reset, and remain unaware of the previous events.
Additional Information:
It is still unknown how SCPA-EN-00275 affects alternate timelines or other dimensions, but research is ongoing. Testing is strictly prohibited.
[Incident Report 00275-A]
Classification level:
Level 3
To all personnel, please be advised of the dangerous nature of SCPA-AEN-00275. Any unauthorized use of the device will result in immediate termination of employment and possible trial for failure to follow Foundation protocol.
Record #:
Experiment Log EN-00275
Dr. ████████
Dr. ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00275 "Chrono-Cascade Counter"
Additional research is underway...
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