SCPA-EN-00263 "Phantom Limb Hive"
SCPA-EN-00263 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00263
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00263 is to be contained in a standard insect containment unit at Site-██. The chamber is to be kept within a low-humidity environment to discourage growth of SCPA-EN-00263's nests. Personnel are not to enter the containment chamber unless authorized to do so for research purposes.
All inspections of the containment chamber must be performed remotely via cameras and drones to avoid disturbing SCPA-EN-00263. In the event of any unusual growth of the nests, all research activity is to be ceased immediately, and SCPA-EN-00263 is to be treated with Class-B amnestics.
Should any instances of SCPA-EN-00263 be discovered outside of the containment chamber, they are to be immediately captured and returned to the chamber. If an instance of SCPA-EN-00263 is determined to have bonded with a host, it is to be terminated immediately.
SCPA-EN-00263 is a species of parasitic insect resembling a wasp. It is roughly two inches in length with black and orange stripes. SCPA-EN-00263 does not display wings, unlike typical wasps, and is unable to fly.
SCPA-EN-00263 exhibits an unusual behavior in that it attempts to bond with human hosts by injecting them with a specialized venom. When successful, a host will begin perceiving the affected limb as an additional limb belonging to SCPA-EN-00263. The host will experience sensations of the limb and will even have the ability to manipulate it to some extent.
Over time, the affected limb will grow new sensory organs and even muscle tissue, allowing the host to fully control the limb. This process is irreversible, and attempts to remove the affected limb have resulted in severe physical trauma and, in some cases, death.
SCPA-EN-00263 reproduces by laying its eggs inside the nests created by the affected limbs. The eggs hatch and grow into fully-formed instances of SCPA-EN-00263, and the cycle continues.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00263 was discovered by Agent █████ █ of the Mobile Task Force, who observed a civilian attempting to force a "phantom limb" into his pocket. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the phantom limb was in fact an instance of SCPA-EN-00263 bonded to the civilian's leg.
Research into a potential cure or treatment for this type of parasitic infection is ongoing.
Document-00263-A: Experiment Log
Classification level:
Level 3
Under no circumstances are personnel to come into physical contact with instances of SCPA-EN-00263, or attempt to remove an affected limb. All research activity must be performed with proper protective gear to avoid accidental bonding with the parasite.
Record #:
Incident Report 00263-1
Dr. ███████
Site Director ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00263 "Phantom Limb Hive"
Additional research is underway...
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