SCPA-EN-00151: The Fiery Abyss - A SCP Containing a Never-Ending Inferno.
SCPA-EN-00151 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00151
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCPA-EN-00151 is to be contained within a silicate brick room measuring 10 meters by 10 meters by 10 meters, isolated from all flammable materials. The walls of the containment chamber must be lined with multimode optical fibers for live video monitoring of the SCPA-EN-00151 instance at all times. The floor of the containment chamber must be constructed of a fire-resistant material, and is to tilt gently towards the center of the room, where a 1 meter in diameter grate is installed, located approximately 3 meters deep from the ground. The chamber is to be equipped with heat-resistant R6-HEPA air filtration systems in order to maintain breathable air quality. Attempts of unauthorized access must be met with immediate termination through whatever means necessary for its prevention.
In the event of a catastrophic event, containment protocols Alpha or Bravo, depending on the severity of the incident, should immediately be put into action. Protocol Alpha requires completely sealing off the chamber until the event is mitigated, while Protocol Bravo requires complete annihilation of the entire facility, including SCPA-EN-00151.
Description: SCPA-EN-00151 is a never-ending inferno located in a small clearing of a remote, heavily wooded area in Russia. The inferno is contained within an area of 10 meters in diameter via an unknown yet seemingly supernatural force, and all objects within the inferno are completely consumed by the fire at a rapid pace, which is estimated to be between 10 - 20 seconds. SCPA-EN-00151 exhibits intense radiation, which is extremely harmful to all life forms in close proximity to it. SCPA-EN-00151 has reportedly destroyed and consumed entire small towns and woodlands during its discovery, going forth even in heavy rain or blizzard.
The fire can be seen to burn clear blue on the outside, with several of the fires forming small tornado-like structures, which further fuel the surrounding fire. The temperature surrounding the fire is estimated to be around 5000°C, though anomalies within the SCPA-EN-00151 "containment field" have been known to reach far exceeding temperatures. Various forms of manipulation toward SCPA-EN-00151 with SCPA-021 have been deemed unsuccessful.
Additional Information: SCPA-EN-00151 was discovered in 19██ by Russian special forces during a routine scouting mission to survey the area after the reports of missing civilians. The inferno had already engulfed four small towns and 22 MIAs were presumed to be dead at the time of SCPA-EN-00151's discovery. The SCPA-EN-00151 instance continued to burn out of control until captured by Foundation agents.
- Debriefing transcript of Russian special forces on missing persons in SCPA-EN-00151 instance. (Document ID classified, Level 4 and above only)
- SCPA-EN-00151 Experiment Log (Document ID 00151-E-001, Level 3 personnel and above only)
Classification level: Top Secret
Notice: SCPA-EN-00151 is an extremely dangerous and hazardous SCPA-A that must be approached with a great deal of caution. Standard protocols dictate that only Level 3 personnel with chief physician clearance or higher are to have access to the SCPA-EN-00151 instance.
Record #: Incident Report 00151-A
Reporter: Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher
Approver: O5 Council
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00151: The Fiery Abyss - A SCP Containing a Never-Ending Inferno.
Additional research is underway...
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