SCPA-EN-00051 "Blood-Draining Mosquito Swarm"
SCPA-EN-00051 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00051
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00051 is to be contained in a sealed room with walls of at least 1 meter in thickness to prevent unauthorized entry or escape. The room is to be climate-controlled to between 10°C and 16°C, with no less than 60% and no more than 75% relative humidity. In the event of a breach, personnel must evacuate immediately and seal the surrounding areas with lockdown protocols. All personnel must undergo a medical examination before and after entering SCPA-EN-00051's containment chamber.
SCPA-EN-00051 is a swarm of mosquitos measuring approximately 0.5 centimeters in length. Although SCPA-EN-000051's appearance is consistent with that of natural mosquitos, they possess an anomalous ability that allows them to drain all the blood of a human target within 30 seconds of initial contact. The mosquitos have been observed to move as a group, akin to a synchronized swarm, making their flight path unpredictable and difficult to avoid. Moreover, SCPA-EN-00051 is capable of reproducing asexually and is able to thrive in both urban and rural environments. It is also able to crawl and cling to surfaces, making attempts at containment more challenging.
Additional Information:
Observations have shown that the mosquito swarm seems to display a form of intelligence, higher than that of natural mosquitos. The swarm has been known to follow targets outside of their containment chamber if provided the opportunity. This implies that the swarm may be capable of learning or retaining information that they use to track down future prey. Interactions with SCPA-EN-00051 suggest that it may be sentient and capable of communication, but no method has been found to understand the language or methods of communication used.
Interview with Dr. ██████ on SCPA-EN-00051 potential risks (Document-051-A)
Experiment log 051-1 Testing SCPA-EN-00051's resilience to poison gases (Document-051-B)
Classification level:
Personnel are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes their skin in the containment room. No research is to be performed on SCPA-EN-00051 without approval from two or more Level 3 staff members.
Record #:
Incident report 051-1, Anomalous activity reported outside of SCPA-EN-00051 containment area.
Dr. █████
Site Director ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00051 "Blood-Draining Mosquito Swarm"
Additional research is underway...
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