SCPA-EN-00310 "The Shadow Beacon"
SCPA-EN-00310 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00310
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00310 is to be contained in a sealed 3m x 3m x 3m room. The room must be constructed of at least 10cm thick steel, with no windows or doors leading inside. A ventilation system with air filters must be in place to provide oxygen to the subject, with filters to remove airborne pathogens from outside the chamber. A remote-controlled robotic arm with interchangeable tools must be installed for researchers to manipulate and study SCPA-EN-00310. The chamber must have a safety protocol implemented to prevent unauthorized access. No human should be allowed within 5m of the room as the subject may affect their mind.
All research on SCPA-EN-00310 must be conducted at a distance using specialized equipment. All personnel must wear full body protection suits with filtered atmosphere supply when in proximity of this subject. Any physical samples taken from SCPA-EN-00310 must be quarantined using bio-containment procedures as the substance is contagious and has an incubation period of up to 3 weeks.
In case of a breach, the entire facility must be evacuated immediately, and a lethal force perimeter of 50m maintained. A small group of people with resistance to psychological effects and communication skills should attempt to re-contain the subject.
SCPA-EN-00310, also known as "The Shadow Beacon," is a translucent, viscous substance that constantly emits low-frequency vibrations. The vibrations cause anyone in proximity to it to experience hallucinations of varying intensities. The hallucinations can include seeing strange creatures or hearing sounds that do not exist. The longer an individual is exposed to SCPA-EN-00310, the more intense the hallucinations become.
SCPA-EN-00310 has the ability to phase through solid objects and possesses a limited degree of intelligence, able to maneuver itself towards its targets. SCPA-EN-00310 is extremely contagious, and those exposed to it may become carriers for up to three weeks before the disease fully incubates. Those who carry the disease are not affected by its hallucinogenic properties but can spread its hallucinogenic properties to others.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00310 was discovered in the Karelian Isthmus in northwestern Russia in 19██ after reports of strange hallucinations surfaced in the nearby towns. The Foundation was notified by local authorities to contain the new anomaly.
SCPA-EN-00310 has the potential to destabilize entire areas if left unchecked, leading to the need for a high-security containment procedure.
- Incident Report EN-00310-I001: Discovery of SCPA-EN-00310
- Research Log EN-00310-R001: Initial Study of SCPA-EN-00310
- Experiment Log EN-00310-E001: Testing of SCPA-EN-00310's Effects on Animal Subjects
Classification level:
Physical contact with SCPA-EN-00310 is not permitted under any circumstances. Communication with SCPA-EN-00310 must only be done using non-verbal means through observation or equipment. Access to SCPA-EN-00310 is only permitted to personnel with level 3 clearance and above.
Record #:
Incident Report EN-00310-I001
Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher
Dr. ████████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00310 "The Shadow Beacon"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.