SCPA-EN-00173 "Chrono Coil"
SCPA-EN-00173 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00173
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00173 is to be kept in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00173 requires Level 2 clearance or higher, and all personnel handling SCPA-EN-00173 must wear protective gloves. SCPA-EN-00173's temporal field must be measured once per week, and any fluctuations outside of the established parameters must be immediately reported to the Site Director.
SCPA-EN-00173 is a small device resembling a wristwatch, consisting of a metallic band with a simple clock face and a small dial on the side. The dial is used to set the desired temporal effect, ranging from a decade in either direction to intervals as short as a millisecond. Once activated, SCPA-EN-00173 generates a temporal field with a radius of approximately two meters around the user. Within this field, time is accelerated or decelerated according to the setting on the dial, effectively allowing the user to manipulate their subjective experience of time.
While the effect of SCPA-EN-00173 is harmless in small doses, excessive use can cause permanent damage to the user's physical and mental well-being. Prolonged exposure to accelerated time will cause the user to age at an accelerated rate, while prolonged exposure to decelerated time can cause time-related psychological disorders, such as a distorted sense of reality or the inability to distinguish between past, present, and future. Due to these risks, SCPA-EN-00173 is not to be used for any extended period of time.
Additional Information:
Tests have shown that SCPA-EN-00173 only affects the temporal field around the user, and does not have any effect on time outside of this field. In addition, SCPA-EN-00173 does not appear to have any effect on inanimate objects or non-living matter.
SCPA-EN-00173 was recovered from a civilian who claimed to have invented it. Their identity has been redacted for security reasons.
SCPA Foundation Internal Memo: "Potential danger of SCPA-EN-00173 - Recommended Containment Procedures"
Classification level:
Due to the potentially hazardous effects of SCPA-EN-00173, all personnel found using it for personal use will face disciplinary action.
Record #:
Experiment Log: SCPA-EN-00173
Dr. ██████
Site Director ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00173 "Chrono Coil"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/3 22:53
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