SCPA-EN-00127 "Chrono-Slippage Amulet"
SCPA-EN-00127 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00127
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00127 is to be contained in a standard containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00127 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and higher.
SCPA-EN-00127 is a small amulet measuring approximately 3 cm x 3 cm x 1 cm. It is made of an as-of-yet unknown metallic substance with golden plating on the surface. There is a small circular glass covering the middle which contains a finely detailed clock with diamond needles. The clock operates on its own and does not require any external power sources to be functional.
When SCPA-EN-00127 is worn by a person, the person wearing the amulet will experience a time-slippage of approximately 0.01 seconds per second. This means that the person wearing the amulet will experience time approximately 100 times slower than a normal human being. All biological processes within the person, including aging, will slow down accordingly. The person will not feel the effect of this time-slippage and will subjectively experience slower time as normal time.
Additional Information:
Persons wear a standard quartz analog wristwatch will experience a sudden stop in their watch when SCPA-EN-00127 is worn. The needles won't move at all even after removing SCPA-EN-00127.
As long as SCPA-EN-00127 is worn continuously, the person may lose track of time and spend an incomplete fraction of time while the outer world continues its pace.
SCPA Foundation Research Document RS-00127 "Anomalous Time Pieces", Test Log 127.
Classification level:
Any tests using SCPA-EN-00127 require the approval of at least two Level 3 personnel. When conducting tests on human subjects, a minimum of two armed guards must be present at all times to ensure the safety of the subjects.
Record #:
Experiment Log 127.
Dr. ███████
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00127 "Chrono-Slippage Amulet"
Additional research is underway...
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