SCPA-EN-00142 "The Submerged City"
SCPA-EN-00142 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00142
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00142 is to be contained within a glass tank measuring 20 meters in length, 15 meters in width, and 10 meters in height. The water level inside the tank should be set to a depth of 5 meters. At least two (2) guards are to be posted at the entrance of the containment chamber at all times. Access to SCPA-EN-00142 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above.
SCPA-EN-00142 refers to a submerged city located on the ocean floor approximately 10 kilometers from the coast of [REDACTED]. The city appears to have been constructed using advanced technology and contains a variety of structures and architecture similar to those found in ancient civilizations. SCPA-EN-00142 is completely submerged in water, with the tallest tower in the city extending approximately 100 meters above the ocean floor.
The city appears to be uninhabited, and no signs of life have been detected within it. However, various anomalies have been reported by researchers who have explored SCPA-EN-00142, including:
- The city appears to be completely self-contained and autonomous, with its own power sources and water treatment systems.
- Numerous mysterious artifacts and relics have been discovered within the city, some of which appear to have anomalous properties.
- The city appears to be constructed using materials and technology that are far more advanced than anything currently known to modern science.
- SCPA-EN-00142 appears to be resistant to the effects of time and erosion, with structures and artifacts remaining undamaged despite thousands of years of exposure to the ocean environment.
Additional Information:
Initial exploration of SCPA-EN-00142 was performed by a team of deep sea divers in [REDACTED], who discovered the city using underwater radar. The city was subsequently mapped and explored by a team of Foundation researchers. During exploration, several artifacts were retrieved and brought back to the surface for further analysis. One of these artifacts, identified as SCPA-EN-00142-1, possesses the ability to emit a powerful burst of energy when activated.
- Exploration Log SCPA-EN-00142-A
- Analysis Report SCPA-EN-00142-1
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to the highly advanced technology and anomalous properties of SCPA-EN-00142, access to the city is restricted to authorized personnel only. Any attempts to remove artifacts or relics from SCPA-EN-00142 without prior approval from Level 3 personnel or above is strictly prohibited.
Record #:
Exploration Log SCPA-EN-00142-A
Dr. ██████, Containment Specialist
Dr. ████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00142 "The Submerged City"
Additional research is underway...
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