SCPA-EN-00119 "Echolocation Mimicker"
SCPA-EN-00119 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00119
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00119 is to be contained within a standard anomalous item locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00119 requires the approval of at least two Level 2 personnel. Testing involving SCPA-EN-00119 must be conducted in a soundproofed testing chamber at a distance of at least 10 meters from any other active SCPA containment units in order to prevent false positives.
SCPA-EN-00119 is a handheld device resembling a retrofitted geophone that produces an ultrasonic wave when activated. SCPA-EN-00119 mimics the echolocation patterns of certain species of bat in order to determine the physical layout of an area. SCPA-EN-00119 will output a series of clicks at varying intervals when active, with each click designed to measure the time it takes for the sound waves to bounce off any surfaces and return to the device.
SCPA-EN-00119 has demonstrated an accuracy of over 99% when utilized to create maps and blueprints of structures and environments. Moreover, SCPA-EN-00119 has allowed Foundation personnel to detect concealed compartments, tunnels, and even other SCPA objects. Abnormal results have only been reported in areas with a considerable amount of ambient noise, and the device's echolocation capabilities do not function in the presence of sonic dampening effects or coatings.
Additional Information:
Personnel utilizing SCPA-EN-00119 must be trained in proper usage, particularly regarding the interpretation of readings obtained from the device. Misinterpretation of readings can result in an inaccurate map of the environment, which can have severe consequences. In the event of a false positive, revised guidelines for testing will be issued to all personnel with authorized access to SCPA-EN-00119.
Test logs for SCPA-EN-00119 and related equipment and procedures.
Classification level:
Level 2
All Foundation personnel who are authorized to access SCPA-EN-00119 must report any inaccuracies or unusual anomalies they detect during use. Personnel must not activate SCPA-EN-00119 during testing of other active SCPA units, to prevent false positives, and all testing of SCPA-EN-00119 must be conducted in a soundproofed testing chamber.
Record #:
Dr. ████ ███████, Researcher
Dr. ████ █████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00119 "Echolocation Mimicker"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
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