SCPA-EN-00299 "Mimetic Metronome"
SCPA-EN-00299 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00299
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00299 is to be contained in a standard anomalous object locker at Site-███. Access is restricted to personnel with Level 2 clearance and above. Any testing or experimentation with SCPA-EN-00299 must be supervised by at least one Level 3 researcher. SCPA-EN-00299 must be kept away from any other SCPA that incorporates an auditory or mimicry-based effect.
SCPA-EN-00299 is a small metronome of unknown make and model. It has a round metal body measuring about 8 cm in diameter and a height of approximately 16 cm. SCPA-EN-00299 has a simple pendulum mechanism with a moveable arm on its top. When activated, SCPA-EN-00299 produces a constant and rhythmic ticking sound, which has been observed to have a hypnotic effect on individuals who are exposed to it for more than five minutes.
The hypnotic effect of SCPA-EN-00299 enables it to mimic the movements of any object that produces a regular, rhythmic sound. Once SCPA-EN-00299 has effectively hypnotized an individual, it will start to mimic and repeat any sound made by the individual, including repetitive motions such as tapping, footsteps, or a heartbeat. SCPA-EN-00299 can only mimic sounds that are produced intentionally, and it will not mimic any involuntary noises.
SCPA-EN-00299 was recovered from a small antique shop in ████, France. It is unclear how SCPA-EN-00299 came into the owner's possession or who the original manufacturer was.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00299 was discovered after reports of a musician who fell into a trance-like state and began repeating the sound of his own piano playing. Further investigation showed the source of his trance state to be SCPA-EN-00299. All individuals who are exposed to SCPA-EN-00299 for an extended amount of time will experience a hypnotic effect, although some individuals may be more susceptible than others.
SCPA-EN-00299 has been the subject of an experiment in which two Foundation personnel were instructed to continuously tap their fingers for twenty minutes while SCPA-EN-00299 was running. Both individuals became strongly hypnotized, and for a period of twenty-four hours, they would vividly remember, recall and continue to mimic the repetitive sounds around them, even speaking in rhythms in their everyday speech. It can be concluded that SCPA-EN-00299's effect lasts for approximately twenty-four hours, after which the individual returns to normalcy.
SCPA-EN-00299 Experiment Log 002.
Classification level:
To maintain caution, SCPA-EN-00299 is never to be activated or tested with any other SCPA that incorporates an auditory or mimicry-based effect. Any researchers exposed to SCPA-EN-00299 for more than five minutes must be monitored for signs of hypnotic trances.
Record #:
Incident Report ████-██-██ involving the loss of a Level 2 personnel program director's mimic to SCPA-EN-00299.
Dr. J. ███████, Researcher.
Dr. L. █████, Site Manager.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00299 "Mimetic Metronome"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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