SCPA-EN-00063 "The Splicing Room"
SCPA-EN-00063 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00063
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the hazardous nature of SCPA-EN-00063, access to the containment chamber is restricted to Level 4 personnel only. The chamber should be placed in a steel reinforced concrete bunker situated at least 10 kilometers away from any non-Foundation inhabited areas.
The containment chamber must be monitored by CCTV, with at least two guards stationed outside at all times. Any individual entering the room must be equipped with standard-issue HAZMAT suits, including respiratory equipment.
Under no circumstances are any living organisms to be brought into proximity with SCPA-EN-00063.
SCPA-EN-00063 is a small, windowless room, measuring 3m x 3m x 3m located in a research facility belonging to the Foundation. When the door to SCPA-EN-00063 is closed, the room effects a permanent connection with an unknown dimensional space. This dimensional space, named "The Splicing Room" by Foundation researchers, appears to exist outside of our reality and exhibits comprehensible properties of non-Euclidean geometry.
Within The Splicing Room, spatial coordinates become mutable, and substances that enter are subject to a range of unpredictable phenomenon. It is hypothesised that some of these phenomena may be caused by the destabilisation of fundamental physical laws within The Splicing Room.
Despite the sporadic nature of the hazards SCPA-EN-00063 presents, Foundation records identified the following observed phenomena:
- A non-contagious, symptomatic mutation involving sudden and excessive growth of limbs and organs in biological organisms.
- The spontaneous mass coalescence between substances brought into the room, forming new hybrid matter.
- Containment breaches of SCPA-DANGER-redject.
- The transmutation of air or gas to an unholdable liquid state, as well as liquids mutating into a hard solid matter.
Due to the risk presented by the SCPA-EN-00063, none of its anomalous effects have been fully discovered or explained.
Additional Information:
All research on SCPA-EN-00063 must be conducted remotely, sending objects or organisms via remote control. Any research involving direct observation of the room using cameras has resulted in power outages, loss of signal and damage to equipment.
"Research Report on SCPA-EN-00063" - Dr. ██████
"Containment Procedure Update on SCPA-EN-00063" - Director ███
Classification level:
Top-secret level clearance is required to access any information about SCPA-EN-00063.
In case of attempted breach, the containment chamber door's electronic system has been programmed to trigger the activation of an explosive charge which will rip SCPA-EN-00063 from the site entirely.
Record #:
Incident Report - 07/██/20██
Initial Containment Procedure - 12/██/20██
Dr. ██████
Director ███
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00063 "The Splicing Room"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.