SCPA-EN-00011 Containment Botanicals
SCPA Foundation
Secure, Contain, Protect
SCPA-EN-00011 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00011
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00011 is to be contained within a standard biologically contained chamber at Site-17. The chamber is to be maintained at a temperature range of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, with a humidity range of 45% to 65%. SCPA-EN-00011 requires standard daily care and feeding, with a biweekly sterilization of the chamber. All personnel tasked with SCPA-EN-00011 care must wear appropriate protective equipment.
SCPA-EN-00011 is a collection of botanicals comprised of a variety of flowers and plants, grown and bred for use in pharmaceuticals. These botanicals are extremely important for the development of pharmaceuticals and can be used for a wide range of applications. SCPA-EN-00011 is highly valuable, with a significant portion of global pharmaceutical production being reliant on these botanicals.
The SCPA-EN-00011 species reproduces asexually and can grow up to two meters in height. Genetically, SCPA-EN-00011 displays a high degree of similarity with other common plant species. However, the DNA of SCPA-EN-00011 is highly resistant to damage from adverse environmental conditions, rendering them nearly impervious to destruction.
Attempts to reproduce SCPA-EN-00011 through cloning or transgenic modification have been unsuccessful, indicating a potential extraphysical aspect to SCPA-EN-00011's genetic components. SCPA-EN-00011's longevity and ability to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions suggest it has anomalous properties.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00011 was retrieved from a pharmaceuticals company specializing in the development and manufacturing of botanical-based medications. The company disclosed SCPA-EN-00011's existence during a routine inspection by the SCPA Foundation. Upon retrieval, the pharmaceutical company was given standard amnestic dosage and SCPA-EN-00011 became a Foundation asset.
As SCPA-EN-00011 is highly valuable, it is subject to attempted theft by rival pharmaceutical companies. Intrusion detection systems and security protocols have been put in place to prevent unauthorized access.
Classification level:
Access to SCPA-EN-00011 requires Level-3 clearance or higher authorization. All personnel tasked with care and handling must comply with containment procedures and maintain appropriate protection.
Record #:
Dr. J. Smith, Botanical Specialist
Dr. M. Johnson, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00011 Containment Botanicals
Additional research is underway...
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