SCPA-EN-00067 "The Contamination Incubator"
SCPA-EN-00067 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00067
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00067 is to be contained in a weakened, vacuum-sealed container made of reinforced titanium. This container must be stored in a standard containment locker kept within a minimum 3-meter "air gap" from other SCPAs to prevent contamination.
The chamber in which testing of SCPA-EN-00067 is carried out must be sealed off from the rest of the facility with an airlock to minimize any risk of contamination. All personnel entering the testing chamber must wear full-body HAZMAT suits, which includes gloves, respirators, and boots. In addition, any biological matter in the waste or air created during testing is to be scrubbed by air purification filters and disposed of in SCPA-approved biohazard waste areas.
No personnel with an active infection may be allowed into the same facility as SCPA-EN-00067. For their own health and safety, such personnel must be quarantined and treated elsewhere.
SCPA-EN-00067 must be checked monthly for any signs of degradation, and should degradation be identified, the incubator must be replaced immediately.
SCPA-EN-00067 is a sealed incubator, with no data available as to its origin. SCPA-EN-00067 is made of an unknown metal alloy that appears to be immune to corrosion and other forms of degradation. On its side is a clear window that allows for observation of the inside of the container.
Inside SCPA-EN-00067, which is only visible through the window, grows a viscous, pulsating, gray substance. This is hypothesized to be some form of bacteria or virus that is contained inside SCPA-EN-00067 but has not yet been classified. Transmission through air, water, soil or biological contact is extremely virulent leading to high casualty rates among unprotected personnel. This has caused our researchers to speculate that contamination of humanity and the natural world is the endgame for whatever entity/ies created SCPA-EN-00067.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00067 was recovered in 20**, in the Province of [REDACTED], Mexico, after a small team of scientists went missing. The team had traced the outbreak of an unknown viral pathogen to a hidden laboratory where they discovered SCPA-EN-00067. Soon after discovery, the facility was raided by MTF teams and all lab members were arrested, then transported for debriefing.
There has yet to be any progress in identifying the contents of SCPA-EN-00067, meaning no cure or vaccine for the indicated infection channel. There has been extensive, global research on potential viral and bacterial pathogens to combat SCPA-EN-00067's effects.
It is hypothesized that SCPA-EN-00067 is designed such that the container will eventually break down, releasing highly dangerous pathogens into the surrounding environment, fulfilling its ultimate purpose. A threat to humanity as a whole.
SCPA Foundation Contagion and Containment Report, CODE:RED
Classification level:
Top Secret
Carelessness in handling SCPA-EN-00067 is non-negotiable, and severe punishment will be enacted if any personnel found guilty of breaching containment or safety protocols.
Record #:
Infection Report 0171
Dr. [REDACTED], Virologist
Site Director [REDACTED]
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00067 "The Contamination Incubator"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/2/7 09:40
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