SCPA-EN-00221 "The Ticking Timepiece"
SCPA-EN-00221 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00221
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00221 is to be kept in a small, locked container at all times when not in use. The container shall be stored in a locked cabinet within a secured facility.
Any personnel that approach SCPA-EN-00221 must first deactivate all electronic devices and mechanical watches on their person, otherwise they risk causing an unwanted reaction. Only individuals who have been trained in the proper handling of SCPA-EN-00221 are allowed to touch this item.
Personnel who are in contact with SCPA-EN-00221 must notify their supervisor of any unusual activity such as rapid or slowed ticking sounds, and report any physical symptoms such as headaches or nausea.
SCPA-EN-00221 is a silver pocket watch with a cover made of interlocking gears. The watch runs on a unique mechanism that generates a ticking sound, similar to that of a bomb timer.
When SCPA-EN-00221 is wound, it will operate normally and show the correct time with the hands pointing to the right position. However, if SCPA-EN-00221 is tampered with or its mechanism is damaged, it will begin to emit louder, irregular ticking sounds. The ticking is audible up to a range of 20 meters.
If SCPA-EN-00221 is not wound, it stops ticking and instead projects a countdown onto any nearby solid surface within sight, starting from 5 minutes. When the countdown reaches zero, SCPA-EN-00221 emits a high-pitched sound that causes intense migraines, bleeding from the ears, and/or nosebleeds to anyone within a 10-meter radius.
Tests have shown that the countdown can be stopped, reset, or restarted by winding SCPA-EN-00221, but doing so without proper preparation and caution can be fatal.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00221 was retrieved from a pawnshop in ██████, Illinois after a report of a loud ticking noise coming from within the building. It is unclear how or when SCPA-EN-00221 was created.
Interviews with former owners and associates of the pawnshop revealed that SCPA-EN-00221 has changed hands many times, often causing tragedy or destruction when mishandled.
Interview logs from the former owners of the pawnshop.
Classification level:
Personnel working with SCPA-EN-00221 must follow all proper safety procedures and protocols before handling. Any unauthorized attempts to tamper with SCPA-EN-00221 will result in disciplinary measures.
Record #:
Experiment Log - SCPA-EN-00221
Dr. ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00221 "The Ticking Timepiece"
Additional research is underway...
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