SCPA-EN-00266 Containment Breach Alert System
SCPA-EN-00266 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00266
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00266 is to be located at the site's security office, within a soundproof and locked cabinet. Only personnel with level 3 clearance or higher are allowed access to SCPA-EN-00266. In the event of a containment breach, the alert system must be activated immediately to alert all personnel located on the site.
SCPA-EN-00266 is an alert system that is activated in the event of a containment breach. The system consists of a red button and a warning siren. When the button is pressed, the siren blares to alert all personnel located on the site that a containment breach has occurred. The siren can be heard from any location on the site, ensuring that all personnel are made aware of the situation.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00266 was designed as a fail-safe system to ensure that all personnel are alerted in the event of a containment breach. The system is designed to function independently of any other warning systems on the site, ensuring that it will work even if other systems fail.
It is important to note that SCPA-EN-00266 should only be activated in the event of a confirmed containment breach. False alarms can cause unnecessary panic among personnel and may result in damage to SCPA.
SOP-EN-00266 - Containment Breach Alert System Standard Operating Procedure
Classification level:
In the event of a containment breach, personnel with level 3 clearance or higher must activate SCPA-EN-00266 immediately. False alarms must be avoided at all costs. If the system is activated in error, personnel must respond to the situation and confirm that there is no actual breach.
Record #:
Incident Report 00266
Dr. ████████, Security Officer
Site Director Smith
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00266 Containment Breach Alert System
Additional research is underway...
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