SCPA-EN-00015 Anomalous Facemask
SCPA Foundation
Secure Containment Procedures
Item #: SCPA-EN-00015
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00015 is to be kept in a standard anomalous object locker at Site-19. Access to SCPA-EN-00015 for experimentation or testing purposes can be authorized by Level 2 personnel or higher. Testing personnel are to wear gloves and a face shield when handling SCPA-EN-00015.
SCPA-EN-00015 is an anomalous facemask that was originally discovered in ███████, China, in 20██. SCPA-EN-00015 is an N95-type facemask with the words "Remember Me" written in Chinese characters on the outer surface of the mask.
When SCPA-EN-00015 is put on, the wearer immediately experiences a sense of nostalgia and is transported back to the moment when they experienced their most intense feeling of grief in their life. It is not yet understood how SCPA-EN-00015 manifests this effect on the wearer.
Although the mask provides some protection from hazardous infectious agents, the Foundation does not recommend using it for this purpose as its anomalous effects make it unsuitable for practical use.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00015 was discovered after an increase in anomalous incidents and suicides among Chinese citizens who wore protective masks during the air pollution crisis.
The Foundation became aware of SCPA-EN-00015 after the Chinese government requested assistance with the investigation of anomalous incidents linked to protective masks.
SCPA-EN-00015 is not yet referenced in any other SCPA reports.
Classification level:
This information on SCPA-EN-00015 is classified as Level 2.
Unauthorized access to SCPA-EN-00015, as well as unauthorized or excessive experimentation on SCPA-EN-00015 is prohibited.
Record #:
Incident Report
Dr. Johannessen
Site Director Chen
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00015 Anomalous Facemask
Additional research is underway...
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