SCPA-EN-00121 "The Memory Eroding Pill"
SCPA-EN-00121 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00121
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00121 is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-██. Only personnel with Level-2 clearance or higher are granted access to SCPA-EN-00121. A log must be kept of all personnel who handle SCPA-EN-00121.
SCPA-EN-00121 is a small, unremarkable, circular pill with a diameter of 1 cm. The pill, when ingested, leads to a short-term memory loss of about an hour prior to taking the pill. SCPA-EN-00121 has no effect on long-term memory or past memories. The affected individual retains their ability to form new memories after the effect of SCPA-EN-00121 has worn off, generally within 24 hours. SCPA-EN-00121 is effective in all individuals, regardless of age or species.
Additional Information:
The effect of SCPA-EN-00121 is useful in cases where it may be necessary to remove knowledge of a specific event or information from an individual's memory. It has also proven useful in the interrogation and punishment of those who are aware of the existence of SCPA objects.
However, overuse of SCPA-EN-00121 must be avoided as frequent use can lead to a decline in mental health in individuals, resulting in confusion, anxiety, and depression. Frequent exposure to SCPA-EN-00121 may also lead to resistance to the pill.
[Incident Report-00121-A: On ██/██/20██, Researcher ██████ accidentally ingested SCPA-EN-00121, resulting in a memory loss during a critical experiment. Following this incident, stricter containment and handling protocols were put in place.]
Classification level:
Personnel handling SCPA-EN-00121 must wear protective gloves at all times. Any accidental ingestion of SCPA-EN-00121 must be reported immediately to the Site Medical Officer.
Record #:
Experiment Log-00121-B
Dr. ████, Researcher at Site-██
Dr. █████, Site Director at Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00121 "The Memory Eroding Pill"
Additional research is underway...
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