SCPA-EN-00251 "Hypnodiscs"
SCPA-EN-00251 Report
Item#: SCPA-EN-00251
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
All instances of SCPA-EN-00251 are to be contained in individual reinforced storage lockers in Site-19. Access to SCPA-EN-00251 is restricted to level 2 personnel and above who have completed relevant psychological and memetic hazard training. SCPA-EN-00251 is not to be activated for any reason without express written approval from at least two level 4 personnel.
SCPA-EN-00251 designates a set of ten music discs, each approximately twelve centimeters in diameter with cover art featuring a hypnotic spiral. Upon listening to SCPA-EN-00251, which must be played with compatible playback technology, listeners are subjected to a spell-like effect. The effect induces a highly suggestible, trancelike state. Listeners are highly susceptible to suggestions made throughout the duration of the effect which lasts the length of the listen.
The effects of SCPA-EN-00251 have been highly varied and unpredictable. The effect deviates to an extent depending on the individual listener and the context in which they listen to SCPA-EN-00251. Suggestible subjects have reported everything from violence, suicide, brainwashing and other compulsive behaviors depending on the intention of the person who possesses the subjectivity of SCPA-EN-00251.
SCPA-EN-00251's effect has not been proved to have a permanent effect but continued usage of SCPA-EN-00251 increases susceptibility to the effect, concurrent masking the subject to indistinguishable reality while listening to the SCPA-EN-00251.
Additional Information:
Music discs have an unknown origin, with no available information about their production, manufacturing, or creators. Their cover art is distinguishable as a mixture of color and well-detailed hypnotic spirals.
SCPA-EN-00251 is confirmed to have memetic properties, affecting stand alone occult and memetic entities.
SCPA-EN-00251-1 Audio Sample Recordings
SCPA-EN-00251-2 Analyst Report
SCPA-EN-00251-3 Interview Logs
Classification Level:
Top Secret
Any personnel caught attempting unauthorized reproduction of SCPA-EN-00251 or unauthorized activation of SCPA-EN-00251 will be disciplined and possibly terminated, due to the dangerous nature of the SCPA-EN-00251.
SCPA-EN-00251 Incident Report, SCPA-EN-00251 Experiment Log
Dr. ████████, Senior Researcher
Dr. ████████, Head Researcher
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00251 "Hypnodiscs"
Additional research is underway...
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