SCPA-EN-00232 "The Glass Menagerie"
SCPA-EN-00232 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00232
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00232 is to be kept in a standard Secure Anomalous Item locker at Site-19. Access to SCPA-EN-00232 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above. All testing and handling of SCPA-EN-00232 must be carried out while wearing gloves made of a non-synthetic material to prevent damage to SCPA-EN-00232.
SCPA-EN-00232 is a set of 10 small, fragile glass figurines, each approximately 2 inches in height. The figures resemble various animals, including a wolf, tiger, lion, bear, elephant, deer, rabbit, bird, fish, and snake. Each figurine is made of a unique type of colored glass, and SCPA-EN-00232 appears to have been crafted by hand.
When held by a human, SCPA-EN-00232 has no anomalous effects. However, when the glass figures are arranged in a particular order, unknown at this time, SCPA-EN-00232 exhibits an anomalous property. In this state, SCPA-EN-00232 will emit a low humming sound, and the glass figures will begin to glow with a soft light. Subjects looking at SCPA-EN-00232 in this state report feeling a strong sense of calm and relaxation. This effect lasts for as long as the figures are maintained in this configuration.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00232 was acquired by the Foundation in [REDACTED] after anomalous activity was reported in the area. SCPA-EN-00232 was discovered unattended on the site, apparently still in the hands of the person who was previously holding it. Foundation personnel have yet to determine the significance of the particular arrangement of the glass figures that triggers SCPA-EN-00232's anomalous properties.
SCPA-00232 is believed to have a possible connection with SCPA-5000. Requests to investigate a possible link has been denied by the O5 Council.
Classification level:
Level 2
Personnel are reminded to handle SCPA-EN-00232 with care at all times to prevent damage to the fragile glass figurines. Any personnel found mishandling or damaging SCOA-EN-00232 will face disciplinary action.
Record #:
Dr. Samantha Lee, Site-19 Researcher
Dr. David Carter, Site-19 Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00232 "The Glass Menagerie"
Additional research is underway...
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