SCPA-EN-00190: Mind-Manipulating Parasitic Fungus
SCPA-EN-00190 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00190
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00190 is to be contained in a sealed and sterile container within a secure laboratory with no less than five levels of access control, with a minimum of two armed security personnel stationed outside at all times. Only researchers with Level 4 security clearance are permitted to access SCPA-EN-00190. All researchers who have encountered SCPA-EN-00190 must undergo a thorough mental and physical examination, and will be put under medical supervision for no less than six months, and separated from other personnel until deemed to no longer present a risk.
All personnel coming into contact with SCPA-EN-00190, even if they are not actively researching it, must wear complete biohazard suits at all times and undergo a rigorous decontamination procedure before leaving the facility.
In the event of a containment breach, Protocol Kappa-1 "Mind Over Matter" is to be immediately initiated by on-site security personnel. The focus of the operation is to contain SCPA-EN-00190 before it can infect additional hosts or be removed from the facility. Protocol Kappa-1 allows security personnel opposing SCPA-EN-00190 to use complete sensory deprivation tactics, such as muffling or blocking their senses, to defend against its effects.
SCPA-EN-00190 is a parasitic fungus that affects the human brain, altering the host's behavior and mental function to the benefit of the fungus. The spores of SCPA-EN-00190 are incredibly resilient and can remain viable in the air for long periods, making simple face masks or filters completely ineffective.
SCPA-EN-00190 infects the host by implanting microscopic spores through the nasal passages, which then travel to the brainstem and attach themselves to the host's neurons. SCPA-EN-00190 then begins to release mind-controlling chemicals that can alter the host's behavior and thought patterns.
A host infected with SCPA-EN-00190 will initially display flu-like symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and lethargy. As the infection progresses, the host will begin to develop a compulsion to be near other infected individuals and to spread SCPA-EN-00190 to others. If SCPA-EN-00190 is allowed to progress unchecked, the host will become a "zombie-like" organism, seeking out new hosts to infect and spreading SCPA-EN-00190 throughout the surrounding area.
Additional Information:
The effects of SCPA-EN-00190 are primarily psychological, and as such, there are currently no known effective medical treatments to cure or mitigate damage caused by the fungus. While the fungus has only been found to affect humans, testing has revealed it may have the ability to infect animals as well.
SCPA-EN-00190 was first discovered in the Congo in 19██ by a team of Foundation researchers assessing the damage caused by a previous SCPA event. The exact origin of SCPA-EN-00190 is unknown, but it is believed to be a previously undiscovered species of parasitic fungus.
- Document EN-00190-01: Initial Containment Report on SCPA-EN-00190.
- Document EN-00190-02: Transcript of Interviews with Infected Persons.
- Document EN-00190-03: Research Log on SCPA-EN-00190's Effects.
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel, particularly those with access to SCPA-EN-00190's containment area, are to undergo a thorough decontamination process before exiting the facility. This includes removing any equipment or clothing, which must be sterilized and inspected before reuse.
Record #:
Incident Report EN-00190-06: Containment Breach of SCPA-EN-00190
Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher
Dr. ████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00190: Mind-Manipulating Parasitic Fungus
Additional research is underway...
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