SCPA-EN-00169 "The Mimicking Molecule"
SCPA-EN-00169 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00169
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00169 must be contained within a secure, airtight chamber with walls constructed of tungsten carbide at least three meters thick. Access to the chamber may only be granted to Level 4 personnel with the approval of at least two Level 5 personnel. All individuals entering the containment chamber must first undergo a full-body decontamination process, and must wear Class-A Hazmat suits capable of filtering airborne molecular debris. The chamber must be monitored at all times for changes in air pressure, temperature and radiation levels. Any changes should be reported immediately to the site director.
SCPA-EN-00169 is a highly unstable synthetic molecule that has the ability to mimic the atomic structure of any substance it comes into contact with. If SCPA-EN-00169 comes into contact with any object or material, it will take on the atomic structure of that object or material, duplicating it perfectly in both appearance and chemical makeup.
SCPA-EN-00169 will form a nearly indestructible, highly radioactive metallic shell around its newly absorbed matter. This metallic shell is highly resistant to heat, shock, radiation, and physical impact. The shell is also nearly impervious to all attempts at penetration, even from the most powerful cutting tools. SCPA-EN-00169 has been observed to completely replicate living organisms, resulting in the formation of an altered form of the organism in question.
SCPA-EN-00169 has the potential to completely undermine the integrity of our society and the environment if allowed to come into contact with any type of significant amounts of radioactive materials or hazardous substances.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00169 was discovered in the laboratory of ████████ ███████, an independent research facility that had close ties with the former Soviet Union. ████████ ███████ scientists were attempting to create a compound with the unique ability to absorb high intensity radiation without breaking down. The resulting compound, SCPA-EN-00169, was deemed too dangerous to be sold or shared due to its high level of instability, and was subsequently confiscated and handed over to the SCPA Foundation for study and containment.
SCPA Foundation Containment Breach Investigation Report ██████-█
Classification level:
Level 5 / Eyes Only
Access to SCPA-EN-00169 is to be granted to authorized personnel only. Any individual showing symptoms of radiation poisoning, acute respiratory distress, or skin infections must be quarantined immediately.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00169-A: Containment Breach Caused by Unauthorized Entry
Dr. John ████████, Senior Researcher
Dr. ████████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00169 "The Mimicking Molecule"
Additional research is underway...
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