SCPA-EN-00288 "The Muting Mask"
SCPA-EN-00288 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00288
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00288 is to be kept in a locked container made of reinforced steel with a thickness of at least 10 cm, located in a standard containment chamber. The chamber must have a redundant power source for the storage cell, and a backup backup power source must be kept on standby. Any individual that needs to interact with SCPA-EN-00288 must wear soundproof headphones, earplugs and a sound-insulated helmet in order to prevent auditory exposure. Under no circumstances may SCPA-EN-00288 be used in sound laboratory testing, musical or art performances or any other setting in which an audience may be present.
SCPA-EN-00288 is a metal mask made out of lead, silver and gold. The object exudes a strong aura of sound-dampening energy which extends up to 4 meters from its perimeter. This energy effectively absorbs and negates all sound waves in the surrounding area. When SCPA-EN-00288 is donned by an individual, all sounds they produce or are subjected to will effectively cease to exist for everyone except the wearer. Despite sounds being negated, the wearer's voice remains audible inside the mask, allowing them to communicate with others.
Additional Information:
It is worth noting that when SCPA-EN-00288 is worn, the wearer's voice becomes increasingly distorted and altered the longer they wear it. With time, the distortion will escalate until the person's voice becomes unrecognizable. Additionally, SCPA-EN-00288 is able to dampen and nullify sounds produced by other SCPAs, making it a valuable asset in containing other Keter-class objects that rely on generating soundwaves for their abilities.
SCPA Foundation Document Database: Document ID 00288
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel handling SCPA-EN-00288 must wear appropriate sound-insulated equipment before coming into contact with the object.
Record #:
Incident Report #00288-A
Dr. ███████
Site Director ████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00288 "The Muting Mask"
Additional research is underway...
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