SCPA-EN-00269 "Recursive Insect Swarm"
SCPA-EN-00269 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00269
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00269 is to be contained in a standard insect containment unit measuring at least 3m x 3m x 2m. The unit must be kept in a climate-controlled environment with a temperature between 22°C and 28°C and a humidity level of 60-75%.
SCPA-EN-00269 may only be handled by personnel wearing full-body protective gear, including gloves and a respirator. All equipment used to handle, analyze or transport SCPA-EN-00269 must be sterilized both before and after use.
In the event of an accidental SCPA-EN-00269 release, an immediate lockdown and evacuation of the affected area are to take place. Any personnel exposed to SCPA-EN-00269 must undergo full decontamination procedures.
SCPA-EN-00269 is a swarm of insects that consists of various species of ants, bees, wasps, hornets, and other flying and crawling insects. SCPA-EN-00269 appears completely harmless at first glance but possesses a unique ability to replicate and duplicate itself in large numbers when in contact with different groups of insects, leading to exponential growth of the swarm. Insect colonies that come into contact with SCPA-EN-00269 become infected, leading to the complete neutralization of the original colony and integration of the affected insects into SCPA-EN-00269.
SCPA-EN-00269 is capable of adapting to various environments, and its hardiness and high breeding frequency make it incredibly challenging to contain. SCPA-EN-00269 is primarily active during the warmer months when insect populations are at their highest.
SCPA-EN-00269 has shown no evidence of sapience or self-awareness, and its behavior is instinctual, with no known source of further intelligence.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00269 was initially discovered in [REDACTED], where it decimated the local insect population and infected several individuals. It is postulated that SCPA-EN-00269 may have originated from a vector of entomopathogenic fungi that escaped from a research laboratory or experimental field trial.
The use of insecticides is strictly prohibited when dealing with SCPA-EN-00269, as this often leads to increased host contact and further spreading of the swarm.
- Incident Report EN-00269-A: Initial containment and discovery of SCPA-EN-00269
- Experiment Log EN-00269-B: Tests on SCPA-EN-00269 swarm behavior and host interactions
- Report EN-00269-C: Containment and eradication strategies for SCPA-EN-00269
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to the high risk of contamination, no personnel are permitted to handle SCPA-EN-00269 without proper equipment and authority.
Record #:
Incident Report EN-00269-A
Dr. [REDACTED], Senior Researcher
Dr. [REDACTED], Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00269 "Recursive Insect Swarm"
Additional research is underway...
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