SCPA-EN-00248 "Spectral Silhouettes"
SCPA-EN-00248 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00248
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-00248 is to be contained in a standard Safe-Class containment locker at Site-██. Access is restricted to Level 2 personnel or higher, and all testing must be approved by at least two Level 3 personnel. SCPA-00248 is to be stored in its unactivated form and must not be activated except during approved testing.
SCPA-EN-00248 is a collection of thirteen (13) transparent, plastic sheets measuring approximately 30 centimeters by 45 centimeters, with various black and white designs printed on them. When each sheet is activated separately, they generate a three-dimensional (3D) image of a humanoid figure, which has been designated as SCPA-EN-00248-1.
When multiple sheets are activated together in a specific combination, they generate a more complex 3D image of a humanoid figure designated SCPA-EN-00248-2. The combination and order of sheet activation required to generate SCPA-EN-00248-2 is currently unknown.
When SCPA-EN-00248-1 or SCPA-EN-00248-2 is viewed through any opaque surface, including walls, they will appear as a distorted and blurry version of their respective forms. However, when viewed through SCPA-EN-00248's sheets, SCPA-EN-00248-1 and SCPA-EN-00248-2 appear as solid, tangible objects.
SCPA-EN-00248-1 appears to be a generic humanoid figure, with no distinguishing features or clothing. SCPA-EN-00248-2 appears to be a more distinct humanoid figure, with unique features and clothing. SCPA-EN-00248-2 appears more lifelike than SCPA-EN-00248-1 and is even capable of mimicking basic human movement.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00248 was recovered from a toy store in ██████, USA after reports of abnormal activity associated with its plastic sheets. It was determined that SCPA-EN-00248-1 and SCPA-EN-00248-2 do not interact with the physical world and can only be manipulated within SCPA-EN-00248's containment area.
Subject D-873, upon viewing SCPA-EN-00248-2, expressed a strong emotional response and attempted to communicate with the entity. SCPA-EN-00248-2 did not respond and returned to its inactive state within two minutes. It is unknown if SCPA-EN-00248-2 is capable of communicating or interacting with living beings.
SCPA-EN-00248 Experiment Log 00248-01
Classification level:
Level 3 clearance required.
Personnel are not to view SCPA-EN-00248-1 or SCPA-EN-00248-2 without the use of the plastic sheets provided. Exposure to SCPA-EN-00248-1 and SCPA-EN-00248-2 without the proper protection may cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and hallucinations.
Record #:
Experiment Log 00248-01
Dr. ██████
Site Director ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00248 "Spectral Silhouettes"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.