SCPA-EN-00349: The Echovirus, Type-V Infection
SCPA-EN-00349 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00349
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00349 is to be contained in a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) facility at all times. The facility must have specialized air-handling systems and a negative-pressure environment to prevent the potential spread of the virus outside of the containment area. All personnel must wear full-body protective suits, including a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), when entering the SCPA-EN-00349 containment area. Any and all experiments involving SCPA-EN-00349 must receive approval from at least one Level 3 personnel and must be carried out under close observation.
SCPA-EN-00349 is a highly contagious and virulent virus known as "Echovirus, Type-V". It is transmitted through the air, making it highly infectious and capable of spreading quickly. The virus primarily targets the central nervous system and can cause various symptoms such as seizures, paralysis, and unconsciousness. There is currently no known cure for SCPA-EN-00349, and mortality rates of infected individuals are high. Individuals who are vaccinated against the virus are still capable of contracting the virus, albeit less severe.
SCPA-EN-00349 is capable of mutating at an alarming rate, making it difficult to develop a vaccine or cure. The virus has evolved multiple times to become resistant to contemporary vaccines and medications, rendering the antiviral agents useless. SCPA-EN-00349 is also capable of infecting a wide range of hosts, including human, simian, and equine, as well as other mammals.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00349 was first detected in the mid-1960s in the United States, and since then, outbreaks have occurred globally. The virus is capable of spreading rapidly through communities and has the potential to cause pandemics. Several instances of SCPA-EN-00349 causing outbreaks in research labs have occurred, resulting in the immediate shutdown of the lab and the quarantine of all personnel.
It is unknown how SCPA-EN-00349 originated, but it is believed to have originated from human waste and sewage. The virus is also believed to have enhanced its virulence and resistance capabilities through recombinant DNA technology, specifically through the integration of foreign genetic material into its genome.
- "DNA recombinations and RNA virus evolution" by J. Virol.
- "Echoviruses" by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- "Emerging Viral Infections and Their Impact on Global Health" by J. Med. Virol.
Classification level:
Top Secret
Personnel handling SCPA-EN-00349 must adhere to strict biosecurity protocols to prevent the virus from spreading outside of containment. Any breach of protocol will result in the immediate shutdown of the facility and quarantine of all personnel.
Record #:
Incident Report #00349-01
Dr. Jane Doe, Head of Virology Research
Dr. John Smith, Director of Biological Anomalies Research
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00349: The Echovirus, Type-V Infection
Additional research is underway...
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