SCPA-EN-00123: The Euphoria-Inducing Mask
SCPA-EN-00123 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00123
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00123 is to be kept in a standard safe containment locker at Site-17. Access to SCPA-EN-00123 requires Level 2 clearance and must be approved by two Level 3 personnel. SCPA-EN-00123 is to be used only for testing purposes with proper supervision. Personnel are not allowed to wear SCPA-EN-00123 outside of testing.
SCPA-EN-00123 is a mask that covers the wearer's head and neck. The mask is made of a material similar to leather but with unknown origins. SCPA-EN-00123 consistently emits euphoric effects to anyone who wears it. The effects increase in intensity the longer SCPA-EN-00123 is worn. After prolonged exposure, the euphoric effects can become addictive and lead to dangerous behavior by the wearer. Once the mask is removed, the euphoric effects subside momentarily before disappearing entirely.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00123 was found in a market in █████████, China in 20██ after reports of locals becoming addicted to the mask's euphoric effects. After Foundation investigation and retrieval, witnesses to SCPA-EN-00123's effects were amnesticized. While testing has revealed no inherent danger from SCPA-EN-00123, the addictive properties of the mask require its limited use for research purposes only.
- Incident Report: 00123-1
- Experiment Log: 00123-2
Classification level:
Level 3
Unauthorized usage of SCPA-EN-00123 will result in disciplinary action. Any personnel suspected of succumbing to the addiction caused by SCPA-EN-00123 will have the mask confiscated and be put into psychiatric evaluation.
Record #:
Test Record 00123-15
Dr. ████████
Site Director ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00123: The Euphoria-Inducing Mask
Additional research is underway...
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