SCPA-EN-00043 "The Magnetic Menagerie"
SCPA-EN-00043 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00043
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00043 is to be contained within a standard Euclid-class containment chamber, which is to be fitted with strong electromagnets capable of generating a minimum magnetic field of 10 Teslas. The containment chamber must be constructed from non-magnetic materials and located no less than 50 meters from any magnetic storage devices. The containment chamber must be inspected once a week to ensure the structural integrity of the containment chamber and the functionality of the electromagnets.
SCPA personnel working with SCPA-EN-00043 must always wear a Faraday suit approved by the Site Director. SCPA-EN-00043 should be handled only by personnel who have received training in dealing with anomalous magnetic objects.
SCPA-EN-00043 is a collection of magnetic sculptures created by an unknown artist. The sculptures include various animals such as lions, tigers, bears, and more. The sculptures are constructed out of a rare-earth magnetic material and are capable of exhibiting magnetic properties up to 8 Teslas. These magnetic properties enable the sculptures to attract or repel ferromagnetic materials.
SCPA-EN-00043 is capable of sustained movement as long as it is in the presence of a magnetic field. SCPA-EN-00043 seeks to maximize its exposure to magnetic fields and will move in the direction of the strongest magnetic field. SCPA-EN-00043 has demonstrated the ability to traverse through non-magnetic materials such as concrete and glass in its search for magnetic fields.
SCPA-EN-00043 has demonstrated the ability to combine and form larger sculptures when in close proximity to one another. SCPA-EN-00043 has been known to create sculptures up to 5 meters in size. SCPA-EN-00043's combined sculptures are much stronger and more durable than individual sculptures.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00043 was first discovered in an art gallery in [REDACTED] after a series of anomalous events. SCPA-EN-00043's magnetic properties quickly drew attention from SCPA personnel who were able to contain SCPA-EN-00043 without incident.
SCPA-EN-00043 has the potential to be weaponized, as it is capable of attracting and repelling ferromagnetic materials with great force. SCPA personnel are advised to observe strict protocols when handling SCPA-EN-00043 in order to avoid a containment breach.
SCPA-EN-00043 Experiment Log, SCPA-EN-00043 Incident Reports
Classification level:
Classified - Level 3
To avoid exposing SCPA-EN-00043 to magnetic fields, all electronic devices must be turned off before entering its containment chamber. Any magnetic storage devices must be placed at least 50 meters away from SCPA-EN-00043's containment chamber.
Record #:
Medical Examination Report
Dr. Jane Doe
Site Director John Smith
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00043 "The Magnetic Menagerie"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.