SCPA-EN-00201 "The Time-Lost Watch"
SCPA-EN-00201 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00201
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00201 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00201 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above, who must have received special training in the safe handling and operation of SCPA-EN-00201.
Testing with SCPA-EN-00201 is to be performed in a secure testing chamber with a maximum time limit of one hour. A minimum of two (2) security personnel is to be present at all times during testing.
In the event that SCPA-EN-00201 is damaged, testing is to be immediate ceased, and the damaged watch is to be brought to Dr. ███████ for repairs.
SCPA-EN-00201 is a seemingly ordinary wristwatch with a black leather strap and a silver metal casing. The watch face displays both regular time and the current year. However, SCPA-EN-00201 has the ability to cause a temporal anomaly.
When the dial on SCPA-EN-00201 is turned, time around the wearer slows down or speeds up, with the effect becoming more pronounced the longer the watch is adjusted. Time around the wearer can be slowed down to approximately 1/100th of its normal speed, or sped up to 10 times its normal speed. SCPA-EN-00201 can affect any physical matter within a radius of approximately 15 meters from its wearer.
SCPA-EN-00201 can be used to reverse time, but this effect is highly unpredictable and can have catastrophic consequences for the wearer and anyone within the immediate vicinity. For this reason, reversing time is strictly prohibited.
Additional Information:
When testing SCPA-EN-00201, personnel must be careful not to wear it for more than an hour at a time, as prolonged use has been known to cause nausea, migraines, and disorientation.
Dr. ███████ reports experiencing a "time quake" after testing SCPA-EN-00201 for an hour, a sensation not unlike that of being in an earthquake, accompanied by intense nausea and disorientation. The experiment was immediately aborted, and the test subject was removed for medical attention.
SCPA-EN-00201 was originally found in the possession of a private collector in █████. No records of its manufacturing or purchase have been found to date.
Dr. ███████'s SCPA-EN-00201 research notes.
SCPA Foundation Chronological Anomaly Protocol.
Classification level:
Top Secret.
Any personnel found manipulating SCPA-EN-00201 in ways that cause time to reverse will face immediate disciplinary action, including termination.
Record #:
SCPA Foundation Experiment Log 00201.
Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher.
Dr. ███████, Head of Research.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00201 "The Time-Lost Watch"
Additional research is underway...
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