記録情報 - Scpapad
SCPA-EN-00102 "The Antimemetic Box"

SCPA-EN-00102 "The Antimemetic Box"


SCPA-EN-00102 Report

Item #: SCPA-EN-00102

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00102 is to be contained in a high-security containment locker at Site-19. Access to the locker must be granted only by the on-duty Senior Level Researcher with Level 4 or higher clearance. No personnel are to access SCPA-EN-00102 without testing a current antimemetics countermeasure before and after the interaction. The room must be examined weekly for correct containment and to report any anomaly detected during security measures. Unusually high or low humidity, temperature or radiation levels should be controlled immediately.

SCPA-EN-00102 is a memory-wiping cube made up of an unknown antimemetic material. It measures 10x10x10cm and is believed to possess the special ability to utilize antimemetic effects to remain both unseen and unknown to virtually anything that perceives it. SCPA-EN-00102 actively alters any perceptions of itself to prevent disclosure or understanding, instead taking up the necessary space silently without raising any alarms. SCPA-EN-00102's effects on amnesiacs are unpredictable, and exposure is to be avoided at all costs.

Additional Information:
Although SCPA-EN-00102 is able to override the base flaws of human sensory experience and traditional methods of perception, resulting in an almost imperceptible presence, it still can and does affect its environment. It has been found that SCPA-EN-00102 produces a "depressive" effect on the area around it, destabilizing both human emotions and electronic devices, making containment difficult. Combined with SCPA-EN-00102's exceptional antimemetic qualities, the effects of SCPA-EN-00102 are so powerful that it has been identified as one of the significant threats to the Foundation known to date.


  • SCPA-EN-00102 Incident Report
  • SCPA-EN-00102 Experiment Log
  • SCPA-EN-00102 Containment Breach Report

Classification level:
Top Secret

Due to the nature of SCPA-EN-00102, no photographs, sketches, or diagrams are allowed to prevent unnecessary exposure to personnel. Any personnel exposure requires mandatory psychiatric evaluation.

Record #:
Incident Report - SCPA-EN-00102

Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher at Site-19

O5-█, Site Director of Site-19

Additional research into SCPA-EN-00102 "The Antimemetic Box"

Additional research is underway...






This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.

The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.

The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.