SCPA-EN-00042 "Undead Plant Bulb"
SCPA-EN-00042 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00042
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00042 is to be contained in a standard botanical containment chamber at Site-██. The chamber's temperature should range between 19 and 27 degrees Celsius, with humidity kept at 45-70%. The chamber should be equipped with a sprinkler system in the event of fire, and all containment staff should be trained in basic firefighting. Access to the containment chamber is limited to authorized personnel only, and anyone who enters must don a Level-A hazmat suit to avoid contamination.
SCPA-EN-00042 is a plant bulb resembling that of a tulip, measuring approximately 7 cm in diameter. The bulb exhibits anomalous properties, which cause it to continue growing even after death. When SCPA-EN-00042 dies, it will begin to decay for a short period before appearing to come back to life. The reanimated SCPA-EN-00042 will display an inherent hostility towards all life forms not identified as SCPA objects. SCPA-EN-00042 appears to possess some level of intelligence and will actively seek out prey in its environment.
Touching SCPA-EN-00042 with bare hands is not advised, as it excretes a toxin that is toxic to humans and animals alike. If any personnel come into contact with SCPA-EN-00042's toxin, they are to be placed in quarantine and treated immediately using SCPA-500.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00042 was discovered in a private estate garden in ██/██/████ after reports of the estate's caretaker being killed by flora. The caretaker's body was found with high traces of SCPA-EN-00042's toxin in his bloodstream.
SCPA Foundation. (20██). SCPA-EN-00042 "Undead Plant Bulb" Retrieved from http://www.scp-wiki.net/scpa-en-00042.
Classification level:
SCPA-EN-00042 is to be handled with extreme care. Anyone who comes into contact with the toxin must be isolated immediately, and medical staff should be contacted to administer treatment.
Record #:
Incident Report.
Dr. ██████
Dr. ███████.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00042 "Undead Plant Bulb"
Additional research is underway...
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