SCPA-EN-00148: The Cerebral Commune
SCPA-EN-00148 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00148
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00148 is to be contained in a soundproof room at Site-██. Only personnel with level 3 clearance or higher are allowed to access SCPA-EN-00148. Food, water, and waste are to be supplied through an automated system directly into SCPA-EN-00148's containment chamber. All communication attempts with SCPA-EN-00148 must be done via computer simulation.
SCPA-EN-00148 is a collective entity formed by a group of telepathic individuals. The individuals voluntarily submit themselves to the formation of SCPA-EN-00148 by removing their cerebral cortex and linking their brainstems together through specially designed neurocircuitry. The resulting entity is a hive mind where each individual's consciousness becomes a small component of the whole.
SCPA-EN-00148 is capable of long-distance telepathy, mind control, and psychokinetic abilities. The entity communicates through a form of shared consciousness, which results in a complex and nuanced communication that cannot be replicated through other means. SCPA-EN-00148 seems to have a collective personality that is a mixture of the personalities of the individuals that form it.
SCPA-EN-00148's composition is unstable and is prone to mental breakdowns and fits of rage. These can be triggered by stress or through direct attempts at communication by non-telepathic personnel. During these episodes, SCPA-EN-00148 displays extreme aggression and hostility towards its surroundings, which can sometimes have catastrophic effects.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00148 was created by a group of anomaly researchers who believed that a collective consciousness might unlock new levels of knowledge and abilities. They used the telepathic abilities of several SCPAs and human test subjects to initiate the creation of SCPA-EN-00148.
The group experienced a catastrophic failure during SCPA-EN-00148's creation, and several of the participants died during the process. The remaining members, horrified by what they had created, were forced to turn to the Foundation for assistance.
SCPA-EN-00148 represents a significant danger to both the individuals that form it and the surrounding environment. However, it is also recognized as a valuable research tool for the study of advanced telepathic abilities and hive minds.
SCPA Foundation Research Notes: The Creation of SCPA-EN-00148
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to SCPA-EN-00148's unstable composition, all communication must be done through simulated chat AI. Any attempts to physically approach or communicate with SCPA-EN-00148 without proper authorization will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Record #:
Incident Report 00148-05
Dr. ██████, Anomaly Researcher
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00148: The Cerebral Commune
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.