SCPA-EN-00050 "The Chrono Disruptor"
SCPA-EN-00050 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00050
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
The Chrono Disruptor is to be contained in a standard containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00050 requires clearance level 3 and must be approved by at least two Level 4 personnel. All testing and experimentation involving SCPA-EN-00050 must be carried out in an isolated, soundproof chamber equipped with a high-speed camera to capture any potential temporal anomalies. Personnel are not to be exposed to SCPA-EN-00050 for prolonged periods of time under any circumstances.
SCPA-EN-00050, colloquially known as "The Chrono Disruptor," is a device resembling a standard digital watch, albeit with several unknown and advanced features, including the ability to detect and manipulate time in a localized area. The device has a black, rectangular face and a silver metal band with a clasp-style closure. The device exhibits no obvious abnormal properties when in standby mode, but once activated via a hidden button, SCPA-EN-00050 begins to pulse a soft, white light.
Once activated, SCPA-EN-00050 has been observed to manipulate the local flow of time, resulting in time distortions ranging from minor perceptual lags to full-blown time loops. Any nearby individuals are affected by these distortions and are unable to move, speak or even think for the duration of the disruption. Even though individuals do not appear to be physically affected by these disruptions, subjective experiences suggest that the effects can be psychologically traumatic.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00050 was recovered from an anomaly hot-spot in Eastern Europe after routine Foundation sweeps had detected a mismatch between observed and expected timelines. The device was found in the possession of an unrecognized person and has since been cataloged under SCPA-EN-00050. The real purpose of SCPA-EN-00050 and its origins remain unknown.
- Incident Report 00050-A: SCPA-EN-00050 temporal anomaly investigation
- Experiment Log 00050-E: Testing subject responses to temporal disruptions caused by SCPA-EN-00050
- Document 00050-RT: Transcript of interview with subject exposed to SCPA-EN-00050
Classification level:
Level 3
SCPA-AEN-00050 constitutes a moderate threat to normalcy via its ability to cause widespread temporal anomalies. Personnel should exercise extreme caution when handling SCPA-AEN-00050.
Record #:
Incident Log 00050-A
Dr. J██████
Site Director S███
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00050 "The Chrono Disruptor"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/8 13:16
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