SCPA-EN-00199 "The Shadow in the Mirror"
SCPA-EN-00199 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00199
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00199 is to be kept inside a standard security locker in Site-██. Viewing the object is prohibited without prior approval from a Level 3 researcher or higher. Any personnel who are authorized to view SCPA-EN-00199 must be monitored by at least two other personnel at all times.
SCPA-EN-00199 is a mirror with a wooden frame, measuring 70 cm x 50 cm x 5 cm. The surface of the mirror is slightly cracked, but otherwise appears to be in good condition. When a person looks into SCPA-EN-00199, their reflection will appear to be surrounded by darkness. Over time, the darkness will begin to move and grow, eventually covering the entire reflection until the person can no longer see themselves.
After approximately five minutes of continuous viewing, the person's reflection will disappear completely, and the darkness will begin to expand beyond the borders of the mirror. If not contained, the darkness will continue to spread until it covers the entire room.
SCPA-EN-00199's anomalous properties appear to be activated only when a person is looking into the mirror. CCTV footage of SCPA-EN-00199 shows that the darkness does not appear on cameras.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00199 was recovered from an antique shop in ████████████, Germany, after reports of unexplained disappearances in the area. The object came to the attention of the Foundation after an undercover agent stumbled upon it during a routine investigation. All staff involved in the investigation were subsequently terminated.
Attempts to destroy SCPA-EN-00199 by physical means have been unsuccessful. The mirror has been found to be resistant to fire, explosives, and even acid.
Interview logs with SCPA-EN-00199 test subjects.
Classification level:
Top Secret - Knowledge of SCPA-EN-00199's properties should be restricted to Level 3 personnel and above.
All personnel authorized to view SCPA-EN-00199 must wear safety goggles to prevent accidental exposure. Direct viewing is strictly prohibited.
Record #:
Incident Report - SCPA-EN-00199-01
Dr. █████
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00199 "The Shadow in the Mirror"
Additional research is underway...
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