SCPA-en-00002 "Haunting Memories: The Cursed Photograph"
Item #: SCPA-en-00002
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCPA-en-00002 is to be contained in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-{REDACTED}. Access to SCPA-en-00002 is strictly prohibited without Level 4 clearance and can only be granted to personnel involved in approved testing procedures. Any images, audio or visual recordings, or reproductions of SCPA-en-00002 and its contents are to be confiscated and destroyed immediately. All personnel assigned to SCPA-en-00002's containment are required to pass a mental health evaluation and undergo regular psychological counseling.
Description: SCPA-en-00002 is a photograph of a family of five standing outside of a Victorian-style home. The individuals in question have been identified as the "Van Der Haar" family, who disappeared in {REDACTED}. The photograph consistently emits a cognitohazardous auditory and visual effect when viewed causing a "haunting" experience. Subjects report hearing whispers, footsteps and screams believed to belong to the Van Der Haar family. Upon closer inspection, the faces of the individuals within the photograph display a sense of despair and discomfort. These effects become more severe depending on the duration and multiple viewings of SCPA-en-00002.
The anomalous properties of SCPA-en-00002 can extend beyond the photograph itself, causing paranormal events in the surrounding environment. The location of SCPA-en-00002's discovery has since been deemed unusable due to reports of disembodied voices, temperature changes, and unexplained apparitions.
Additional Information: All personnel involved in the initial investigation of SCPA-en-00002 have reported experiencing recurring nightmares surrounding the disappearance of the Van Der Haar family.
Addendum: To date, eight staff members have requested transfer or resigned following assignments related to SCPA-en-00002.
Confidentiality Level: Level 4
Attention/Eyes Only: SCPA-en-00002's effects can result in severe psychological trauma and must be treated with care.
Record Number: Incident Report 0002-B
Reporter: Dr. {REDACTED}
Approver: O5-Command
Additional research into SCPA-en-00002 "Haunting Memories: The Cursed Photograph"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/2/11 09:31
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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