SCPA-EN-00150 "The Elastic Enigma"
SCPA-EN-00150 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00150
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00150 is to be contained in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00150 is granted to personnel with clearance level 2 or higher. Standard rules for handling anomalous items apply.
SCPA-EN-00150 is a black, rubbery sphere roughly the size of a softball. Its physical properties are similar to those of rubber, including elasticity and resistance to tearing. SCPA-EN-00150's anomalous properties manifest when a person comes into contact with it. When a person touches SCPA-EN-00150, they experience a tingling sensation throughout their body, and their movements seem to be slightly more flexible than they would be normally. This effect lasts for several hours after contact.
SCPA-EN-00150 has also shown the ability to stretch and compress objects near it. When placed in close proximity to an object, SCPA-EN-00150 will distort the object's shape without causing any damage. The extent of this effect on the object depends on its physical properties; more elastic materials, such as rubber, are deformed to a greater degree, while stiffer materials are deformed only slightly.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00150 was discovered in an abandoned rubber factory in ███████, Japan. The local authorities were alerted to SCPA-EN-00150's anomalous properties after a group of teenagers used it as a toy, and one of them was able to jump higher than usual after touching it. Foundation agents were dispatched to the location, and SCPA-EN-00150 was recovered without incident.
The secondary effect of SCPA-EN-00150's ability to stretch and compress objects near it has led to interest from researchers in the field of materials science, and several experiments are currently underway to study the exact mechanics of this effect.
SCPA-EN-00150-01: Experiment Log of SCPA-EN-00150
SCPA-EN-00150-02: Incident Report of Containment Breach Involving SCPA-EN-00150
Classification level:
Personnel handling SCPA-EN-00150 are advised to wear gloves to prevent accidental contact. Any experiments involving SCPA-EN-00150's secondary effect must be approved by at least one Level 3 researcher.
Record #:
Experiment Log of SCPA-EN-00150
Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher
Dr. █████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00150 "The Elastic Enigma"
Additional research is underway...
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