SCPA-EN-00118: "Glowing Gooey Glob"
SCPA-EN-00118 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00118
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00118 is to be kept in a plastic container and stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00118 requires Level 2 clearance and must be approved by at least two Level 3 personnel. Any personnel handling SCPA-EN-00118 must wear hazmat suits and work within a sealed biohazard chamber.
SCPA-EN-00118 is a small, glowing glob of goo that measures approximately 2.54 cm in diameter. The substance is a bright green color and gives off a faint, pulsating glow that ranges from light blue to pink. The glow is most pronounced in dark environments and can be seen up to a distance of 10 meters.
When SCPA-EN-00118 comes into contact with organic matter, it quickly begins to spread over the surface and begins to dissolve it, while emitting a low-level radiation. The substance has been shown to be non-lethal to humans and animals, however, it is capable of dissolving almost all forms of organic matter, including plants, wood, and cloth.
SCPA-EN-00118 is able to move on its own, albeit slowly, through extending and retracting tendrils of the substance. Attempts to physically contain SCPA-EN-00118 have been successful through the use of sealed containers and secure storage lockers.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00118 was recovered by Foundation agents in a small town in ██, USA, where it was causing damage to local vegetation and buildings. It is believed to have originated from a meteor that crashed in the area several years prior. The object was classified as an anomalous object and brought to the attention of the Foundation.
SCPA-EN-00118 has been studied extensively, but the mechanism behind its ability to dissolve organic matter is still not fully understood. It appears to be a self-contained and self-replicating substance, but it has not been observed to reproduce outside of active contact with organic material.
SCPA-EN-00118 Experiment Log
Classification level:
Level 2
Due to SCPA-EN-00118's ability to dissolve organic matter, any interaction with the substance must be handled with extreme caution. All personnel must wear hazmat suits and work within a sealed biohazard chamber when handling SCPA-EN-00118.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00118
Dr. ███████
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00118: "Glowing Gooey Glob"
Additional research is underway...
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