SCPA-EN-00264 "The Euphoric Virus"
SCPA-EN-00264 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00264
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00264 is to be contained within a Level 5 Biological Containment Facility. Any personnel handling SCPA-EN-00264 must wear a Hazardous Material Suit (HMS) while in direct contact with SCPA-EN-00264. All waste material and disposable items exposed to SCPA-EN-00264 must be incinerated. Access to SCPA-EN-00264 is restricted to Level 4 Personnel or higher. SCPA-EN-00264 is to be stored in an isolated container sealed with airtight locks. Any research is restricted to authorized personnel and is only to be conducted in the designated research area where they have to follow strict decontamination and biological safety procedures.
The SCPA-EN-00264 virus is a highly contagious and lethal virus with no known cure. The virus spreads through direct contact with an infected person's bodily fluids or through inhalation of contaminated aerosols. SCPA-EN-00264 has an incubation period of 3-5 days and can remain dormant for up to 6 months. Once the virus becomes active, it affects the brain and causes an intense euphoric state in the host. SCPA-EN-00264 mutates and spreads quickly, resulting in a higher fatality rate every time it mutates.
After the host has been infected and subjected to its euphoric effects, the virus' effects will gradually cause the host's physical state to deteriorate, leading to physical distortions, seizures, and eventual death. SCPA-EN-00264 is known to cause the host's body tissues to liquefy and disintegrate from the inside out, resulting in a highly infectious environment that further spreads the virus. Any attempts to contain SCPA-EN-00264 must prevent this from happening.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00264 was discovered in New Guinea after an outbreak in a small rural community. Later studies had revealed SCPA-EN-00264 could also spread through sexual contact, and infected individuals are highly contagious even after death. The virus has been noted to have an extraordinary strength against most antiviral medication and is highly robust to various temperature ranges.
SCPA-EN-00264's euphoric effect makes it highly desirable to some individuals, who may attempt to steal samples. In case of a containment breach, all personnel must evacuate the area and seal the doors while awaiting cleanup crews.
SCPA-EN-00264 Isolation and Containment Procedures, SCPA-EN-00264 Research Data Document, SCPA-EN-00264 Incubation Period Research Study
Classification level:
Classified as Level 5 Containment and Biological Containment.
All personnel in direct contact with SCPA-EN-00264 must wear Hazardous Material Suits during their visit. No potential treatment for infected individuals has so far been discovered, and any handling procedures must follow strict protocols to prevent unauthorized removal or exposure of SCPA-EN-00264.
Dr. [Redacted], Senior Researcher
Dr. [Redacted], O5-4
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00264 "The Euphoric Virus"
Additional research is underway...
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