SCPA-EN-00327 Neural Disruption Parasite
SCPA-EN-00327 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00327
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00327 is to be contained within a humanoid biological containment unit at all times. The unit is to be located in a standard containment chamber in Site-███. Any personnel entering SCPA-EN-00327's chamber must wear proper biological hazard suits at all times. All waste produced by SCPA-EN-00327 is to be disposed of per standard biological waste disposal procedures. Any Class D personnel subject to SCPA-EN-00327 must be observed via remote video monitoring and monitored for 72 hours after leaving the containment chamber. Any personnel showing signs of lingering symptoms related to SCPA-EN-00327 are to be quarantined immediately for further observation.
SCPA-EN-00327 is a parasitic organism that infests the human body, primarily targeting the brain and nervous system. Once SCPA-EN-00327 infects a host, it radically alters the host's behavior in ways that benefit the organism's continued existence. SCPA-EN-00327 is transferred via physical contact or exposure to bodily fluids. Initial symptoms of infection include headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. However, as the infection progresses, the host will become increasingly violent and unpredictable.
SCPA-EN-00327's ability to disrupt neural pathways in humans allows it to control and manipulate the host's behaviors. This can result in sudden aggressive outbursts, unsolicited sexual advances, and even criminal behavior. SCPA-EN-00327 can also cause permanent brain damage and even death in its hosts.
Additional Information:
There is currently no known cure for SCPA-EN-00327. All attempts to remove the organism from an infected host have resulted in the host's death. In rare cases, subjects have been able to resist the organism's control, but the underlying infection remains.
Related documents: Incident Report SCPA-EN-00327-A, Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00327-B, Medical Report SCPA-EN-00327-C.
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel entering SCPA-EN-00327's chamber must adhere to strict biological containment protocols. Any breach in containment must be immediately reported to Site security.
Record #:
Medical Report SCPA-EN-00327-C
Dr. ████████
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00327 Neural Disruption Parasite
Additional research is underway...
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