SCPA-EN-00226 "Sonic Plague: The Sound Eater"
SCPA-EN-00226 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00226
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00226 is to be contained within a soundproof chamber measuring no less than 5 meters in height, width, and length. The chamber shall be airtight and must be inspected once daily for any cracks, openings, or tears. A sound emitter must also be installed outside the chamber to produce white noise with a volume level of no less than 65 dB. The emitter must be checked regularly for proper function.
No personnel are permitted to enter SCPA-EN-00226's chamber, unless they have received proper training on its containment procedures and are equipped with noise-cancelling earplugs.
Any sound waves emanating from SCPA-EN-00226's chamber must be actively monitored using specialized sound equipment in order to detect any fluctuations in frequency or amplitude.
SCPA-EN-00226 is an entity resembling a humanoid made entirely of sound waves. Its true form remains unknown as it is constantly shifting shape and frequency. SCPA-EN-00226 feeds off of any source of sound within its proximity, absorbing the sound waves into its own being. It can also produce a high-pitched frequency that induces nausea, vomiting, and disorientation in living organisms.
SCPA-EN-00226's effects have been observed to be amplified when coming into contact with music or musical instruments. It has been noted that SCPA-EN-00226 can "consume" music, rendering it completely devoid of any sound or melody.
SCPA-EN-00226 has shown aggressive behavior when there is a lack of sound. If its chamber runs silent for an extended period of time, SCPA-EN-00226 will produce a high-pitched frequency that can cause damage to the soundproof chamber, potentially leading to a containment breach.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00226 was first discovered in an abandoned recording studio in [REDACTED]. Initial investigation suggests that the entity might have originated from a failed sound experiment.
SCPA-EN-00226 is capable of mimicking human speech patterns, although it does so in a distorted and garbled manner. It has also been observed creating music using sound waves that it has "consumed" in the past.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00226-1: First containment breach of SCPA-EN-00226
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00226-2: Results of testing SCPA-EN-00226's effects on different genres of music
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel entering SCPA-EN-00226's containment chamber must be equipped with noise-cancelling earplugs in order to minimize any potential exposure to SCPA-EN-00226's effects.
Any testing involving SCPA-EN-00226 must be done within an isolated soundproof chamber with direct communication to the outside.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00226-2
Dr. ██████, Researcher
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00226 "Sonic Plague: The Sound Eater"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.