SCPA-EN-00314 "The Seafarer's Curse"
SCPA-EN-00314 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00314
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00314 is to be contained in a reinforced lead-lined containment chamber submerged underwater at a depth of no less than 50 meters. The chamber must be kept under constant surveillance by at least two level 3 personnel at all times.
Access to SCPA-EN-00314 is restricted to level 4 personnel and must be approved by at least two level 4 personnel.
All testing and experimentation must be conducted remotely through robotic equipment due to the dangerous effects of SCPA-EN-00314 on live subjects.
In the event of a containment breach, all personnel must follow protocol Caepio and evacuate the area immediately.
SCPA-EN-00314 is a maritime curse that affects naval vessels and their crew. The curse is believed to be the result of a powerful sea demon that resides in the depths of the ocean. The curse causes vessels that come into contact with SCPA-EN-00314 to experience various degrees of bad luck, ranging from mechanical failures to severe weather conditions.
The curse also affects the crew, causing individuals to exhibit a range of symptoms, including extreme anxiety, hallucinations, and homicidal tendencies. The effects of the curse can be mitigated through the use of specific rituals and talismans, but the exact requirements for their success are unknown.
SCPA-EN-00314 was originally discovered in the South Pacific when a naval vessel reported experiencing mechanical failures in the same location over several months. An investigation by Foundation personnel determined that the vessel had come into contact with SCPA-EN-00314.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00314 has been responsible for the loss of several naval vessels, with a total of over 700 crew members presumed dead or missing. Due to the unpredictable nature of the curse, no method of safely neutralizing SCPA-EN-00314 has been discovered.
Further research and experimentation are ongoing in the hopes of discovering a means of neutralizing or containing SCPA-EN-00314.
- Incident Report 00314-A: Initial Discovery of SCPA-EN-00314
- Experiment Log 00314-B: Ritual Performance for Countering SCPA-EN-00314 Effects
- Document 00314-C: SCPA-EN-00314 Containment Protocol
Classification level:
Top Secret
Under no circumstances should live subjects be exposed to SCPA-EN-00314, and all experimentation must be conducted remotely.
In the event of a containment breach, personnel must follow protocol Caepio and evacuate the area immediately.
Record #:
Incident Report 00314-A, Experiment Log 00314-B, Document 00314-C
Dr. Jane Smith, Senior Researcher
Dr. Michael Johnson, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00314 "The Seafarer's Curse"
Additional research is underway...
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