SCPA-EN-00197 "The Parasitic Orb"
SCPA-EN-00197 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00197
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00197 is to be contained in a hermetically sealed chamber filled with experimental gas mixture 4F-77 (85% argon, 13% oxygen, and 2% carbon dioxide) to prevent further growth. The chamber and its contents are to be kept under constant surveillance from outlying security checkpoints via infrared and gas sensors. In the event that SCPA-EN-00197-1 is reported as unstable, the sealed chamber will be rapidly exposed to a controlled burst of concentrated light in an attempt to destroy SCPA-EN-00197-1.
SCPA-EN-00197 is an anomalous spherical entity approximately 5 cm in diameter, resembling a glass orb containing a thick fluid of unknown origin. SCPA-EN-00197-1, also known as the "Parasite," is a small, parasite-like organism within the fluid, approximately 7 mm in length, with six segmented legs and an elongated head. SCPA-EN-00197-1 displays the capability of surviving outside of SCPA-EN-00197 if not supplied with the necessary nutrients.
Upon contact with living organisms such as humans, SCPA-EN-00197-1 attaches itself to a host's flesh and begins to form a symbiotic bond. SCPA-EN-00197-1 will begin to gradually consume the host's flesh to produce a nutrient-rich environment for SCPA-EN-00197-1 to grow and multiply. The host will begin to experience symptoms such as muscle atrophy, organ failure, and eventual death.
SCPA-EN-00197-1 has demonstrated the capacity to manipulate the host's consciousness, allowing the host to carry out the parasite's will. SCPA-EN-00197-1 has used this to coerce the host into carrying it to others, and if successful, infecting them and spreading the anomaly. The behavior of the host and SCPA-EN-00197-1's influence on them appears to be unpredictable and may depend on the number and location of SCPA-EN-00197-1 inside the host's body.
Additional Information:
Attempts to remove SCPA-EN-00197-1 from a host have been unsuccessful as they result in severe damage or destruction to vital organs, making the host irreparably damaged. Heat, electromagnetic radiation, and acidic agents have shown some effectiveness in removing SCPA-EN-00197-1 from the host, but with high collateral damage.
- Experiment Logs 00197-A, 00197-B
Classification level:
Top Secret
The nature of SCPA-EN-00197-1 requires extreme caution when troubleshooting any malfunction in nearby systems to prevent potential contact. Disinfect if SCPA-EN-00197-1 has infected an individual.
Record #:
Incident Report 00197-1234
Dr. ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00197 "The Parasitic Orb"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/30 21:09
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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