記録情報 - Scpapad
SCPA-EN-00330 "The Phantom Telephone Booth"

SCPA-EN-00330 "The Phantom Telephone Booth"


SCPA-EN-00330 Report

Item #: SCPA-EN-00330

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00330 is to be contained within a standard anomalous object locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00330 requires Level 2 clearance and is only allowed with the prior approval of at least two (2) Level 3 personnel. The locker holding SCPA-EN-00330 is to be monitored continuously by at least one (1) personnel. Any personnel entering SCPA-EN-00330 is required to wear a Level B hazmat suit due to the potential presence of mold.

SCPA-EN-00330 is a British-style red telephone booth. The booth is approximately 2.44 meters tall and 0.9 meters wide with a depth of 0.76 meters. Upon close inspection of SCPA-EN-00330, it is rumored to be decomposing from the inside. Reactions tend to differ between personnel, describing an entirely different experience within. SCPA-EN-00330 seems to possess the capability of transporting callers in seemingly random destinations and time periods. There is no known method of communication when transported into SCPA-EN-00330.

Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00330 initially came to our attention after reports came from locals that any phone calls made from SCPA-EN-00330 would either not connect or the person on the other end of the line would have no recollection of the conversation. Upon a thorough investigation of SCPA-EN-00330, a record of several missing persons dated back to 1971. All subjects had claimed to have used SCPA-EN-00330 at the time of contact being lost.

SCPA-EN-00330 Report 01, SCPA-EN-00330 Experiment log

Classification level:
Classified: Level 2

Personnel are required to notify at least two (2) other personnel and log any tests before attempting to enter SCPA-EN-00330. Adverse effects such as the decomposing of organic materials within the facility have been known to occur.

Record #:
SCPA-EN-00330 Experiment Log 01

Dr. █████ ███████

Dr. ████ ████████

Additional research into SCPA-EN-00330 "The Phantom Telephone Booth"

Additional research is underway...






This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.

The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.

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