SCPA-EN-00192 "The Shadow Architect"
SCPA-EN-00192 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00192
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the nature of SCPA-EN-00192, it is not possible to contain it entirely. The goal of containment for SCPA-EN-00192 is to minimize its impact on the physical world and prevent its knowledge from spreading. To achieve this goal, the following steps must be taken:
No less than two (2) Foundation agents must monitor all incidents related to shadow activity, including but not limited to shadow architecture, shadow construction, shadow infrastructure, and other anomalous shadow-related events.
All reports, photographs, and evidence related to SCPA-EN-00192 must be immediately transferred to the Site-██ Data Processing Center for analysis and storage.
Any individuals with knowledge of SCPA-EN-00192 must be identified and questioned. If they pose a risk of spreading information about SCPA-EN-00192, they must be administered Class-A amnestics.
Any observed shadow activity within 1 kilometer of a civilian area must be dealt with discreetly and with a high level of caution.
If SCPA-EN-00192 is detected to have constructed or altered any structures, they are to be immediately demolished, collapsed, or otherwise rendered unusable. The remains must be analyzed to determine the extent of the shadow-based activity.
Research on SCPA-EN-00192 is limited to approved cases only, with strict monitoring of exposure to avoid possible mental contamination or infection.
All personnel with a security clearance of Level 4 or higher must undergo periodic psychological evaluations, especially if they have had frequent interaction with SCPA-EN-00192.
At no time can SCPA-EN-00192 be directly observed by more than two (2) personnel in a location less than 10 miles from any Containment Site or major urban center.
SCPA-EN-00192 is a sentient, extra-dimensional force estimated to have first emerged in the early 20th century. While its exact origin and motives are unknown, its ability to create structures and reshape the environment to its whims is undeniable. This process has left a significant amount of the physical evidence attributed to SCPA-EN-00192 lacking in scientific plausibility, being instead made of shadows composed of highly charged, geometrically-shaped particles.
SCPA-EN-00192's activity is typically consistent with a normal architectural practice, but with its methods being highly unorthodox and its results often highly anomalous. SCPA-EN-00192 appears to have a level of technological expertise far beyond what is currently known on Earth, and its ability to manifest itself across different dimensions and astral planes makes it impossible to contain by conventional means.
SCPA-EN-00192's creations are highly destabilizing to our reality, and their existence increases the risk of an eventual catastrophic event that could lead to the permanent destruction of our world.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00192's existence was first discovered in 19██ in ██████, with several housing units constructed overnight as part of routine urban planning. These units were found to be anomalous by local law enforcement, which led to the involvement of the Foundation. Further investigation revealed its anomalous abilities and the true nature of SCPA-EN-00192.
It is unknown whether SCPA-EN-00192 has any direct surveillance capabilities or hostility toward humanity, but its frequent yet sporadic activity proves its potential danger.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00192-01: Discovery of SCPA-EN-00192 in ███████, 19██
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00192-02: Analysis of SCPA-EN-00192 Tertiary Effects on Nearby Environments
- Document SCPA-EN-00192-03: SCPA-EN-00192 Containment Protocols
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel are reminded that SCPA-EN-00192 is not to be directly observed by more than two (2) personnel at a time in any location where information about SCPA-EN-00192's existence could escape. All individuals with knowledge of SCPA-EN-00192 must be monitored and administered Class-A amnestics when necessary.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00192-01
Dr. ███████
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00192 "The Shadow Architect"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.