SCPA-EN-00095 "The Ocular Parasites"
SCPA-EN-00095 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00095
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00095 instances are to be contained in standard insectariums at Bio-Research Area-12. The room temperature of the insectariums must be kept between 23 to 28 °C with a humidity level of at least 70%. SCPA-EN-00095 is to be fed on a regular basis with a diet of flies prepared by the research team. Care should be taken when entering the insectarium, and all personnel must wear personal protective equipment, including gloves and coats, to avoid any potential contact with SCPA-EN-00095.
In the event that SCPA-EN-00095 instances come into contact with human subjects, the affected person(s) must be quarantined immediately and monitored for any signs of infection. If symptoms are displayed, appropriate medical attention should be provided.
SCPA-EN-00095 is a parasitic organism that infects insects and changes their behavior, ultimately leading to their death. SCPA-EN-00095 attaches to an insect's eye and begins to consume its ocular tissue. The organism then secretes a substance that alters the chemistry of the host's brain, causing it to seek out areas of bright light.
Once the host finds a source of light, SCPA-EN-00095 will begin to manipulate the host's behavior further by implanting pheromones that attract other insects. SCPA-EN-00095 will consume the infected host insect and lay its eggs inside the host's corpse. Once the eggs have hatched, the larvae will feed on the remains of the host and begin the cycle anew.
SCPA-EN-00095 is highly contagious and can quickly spread to other insects in the same containment area. Although SCPA-EN-00095 is not currently known to affect humans, it is not yet fully understood how the organism interacts with humans and the potential dangers that it might pose.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00095 was initially discovered in a rural area of Japan during an investigation into the mysterious death of a large number of insects. Research into the organism's behavior and life cycle is ongoing, and study of SCPA-EN-00095 has already produced valuable insights into the evolution of parasitic behavior in other organisms.
- "The Ocular Parasites: A Study of SCPA-EN-00095" by Dr. Liu Jie.
- "The Ocular QInsects of Japan: A Historical Overview" by Dr. Hideo Kido.
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel must follow standard biological containment protocols when handling SCPA-EN-00095. The use of personal protective equipment is mandatory when working in the containment area to avoid accidental contact with SCPA-EN-00095.
Record #:
Incident Report #SCPA-EN-00095-01
Experiment Log #SCPA-EN-00095-02
Dr. Liu Jie, Biological Researcher
Dr. Elizabeth Chen, Site Director, Bio-Research Area-12
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00095 "The Ocular Parasites"
Additional research is underway...
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