SCPA-EN-00216 "The Quantum Parasite"
SCPA-EN-00216 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00216
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00216 is to be contained in a cell lined with 2 cm of lead and kept under constant surveillance at all times. No individuals are permitted within 5 meters of SCPA-EN-00216. SCPA-EN-00216 must have no less than one (1) individual within SCPA-EN-00216's range of effect at all times.
SCPA-EN-00216 is a parasitic entity which resides in and controls the functions of quantum particles. The range of effect for SCPA-EN-00216 is a radius of 5 meters, causing various degrees of physical and psychological harm in all affected individuals. SCPA-EN-00216 is capable of manipulating the state of matter at will, allowing it to phase through any sort of physical barrier.
Upon entering a host, SCPA-EN-00216 will assimilate into the host's body, beginning with a complete breakdown of the host's immune system. SCPA-EN-00216 has demonstrated the ability to manipulate the brain chemistry of the host, controlling their actions and movements, as well as projecting its own voice into the mind of the host. SCPA-EN-00216 has been known to resist all traditional methods of interrogation, preferring to manipulate the minds of its captors to gain information.
Additional Information:
It is theorized that SCPA-EN-00216 is not native to our universe and was formed in a universe where quantum particles behave differently. It is also believed that SCPA-EN-00216 is sentient and has its own agenda. SCPA-EN-00216 is extremely intelligent and is capable of hacking into any electronic device within its range of effect.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00216-01
- Exploration Log SCPA-EN-00216-02
- Interview Log SCPA-EN-00216-03
Classification level:
Top Secret
Under no circumstances are any electronic devices or communication systems to be brought within the range of effect of SCPA-EN-00216. Personnel assigned to SCPA-EN-00216's containment must be physically and psychologically evaluated on a weekly basis.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00216-01
Dr. ██████
Site Director Dr. ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00216 "The Quantum Parasite"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/24 02:01
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.