SCPA-EN-00234: The Whispering Forest
SCPA-EN-00234 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00234
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00234 is to be contained within a 5 km fenced perimeter in the center of the forest, with armed guards stationed at all times. No unauthorized personnel are to be allowed into SCPA-EN-00234. All research activities are to be limited to secure observation decks, and communication with SCPA-EN-00234 is to be conducted via speaker systems. No physical contact with SCPA-EN-00234 is permitted. Any personnel entering SCPA-EN-00234 are required to wear radio communication equipment, and life support gear due to the altered atmospheric conditions.
SCPA-EN-00234, also known as the Whispering Forest, is a forested area located in [REDACTED], Brazil measuring approximately 15 km². SCPA-EN-00234 derives its name due to an anomalous phenomenon where the sound of whispering can be heard throughout the entire forest. The trees and flora within the forest have also shown anomalous properties, such as rapid growth and strange mutations resulting in distorted, maze-like pathways. SCPA-EN-00234 also appears to have an artificial structure within its confines, further study and exploration of the structure is being conducted.
SCPA-EN-00234's anomalous properties seem to affect cognitive functions, perception, and evoke feelings of anxiety in subjects inside its area of influence. These anomalous properties have been observed to have a strong effect on people with pre-existing psychological conditions and are best avoided by people with underlying mental illnesses. Physical contact with SCPA-EN-00234 has a direct effect on physical and mental health, and long-term exposure has been known to cause severe psychiatric stress.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00234 was brought to Foundation attention after several reports of strange vanishings and unexplained occurrences within the local population's vicinity. After initial investigation, it was determined that SCPA-EN-00234 was the source of the reports. SCPA-EN-00234 has been under Foundation observation since its discovery.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00234-01: One research team entered SCPA-EN-00234's area of influence and did not return. Outpost 5 lost radio contact with the team and sent recovery personnel after not receiving a response. No traces of the team were found within SCPA-EN-00234's area of influence, and due to unknown force, the search mission was called off.
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00234-04: Subject B. Henderson entered SCPA-EN-00234's area of influence without proper protocol to test the effects of long-term exposure. Subject was removed after 72 hours, displaying physical and mental distress, including severe changes in thought patterns, memory loss, and extreme anxiety.
Classification level:
All personnel entering SCPA-EN-00234's area of influence are required to undergo psychological evaluation and physical examination. Any individual wishing to enter SCPA-EN-00234 without proper authorization will be terminated immediately.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00234-01, Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00234-04
Dr. Jane Williams, SCPA-EN-00234 Research and Containment team.
Dr. Robert Lee, Site Director, Site-132.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00234: The Whispering Forest
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/8 00:58
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