SCPA-EN-00032 "Viral Shapeshifter"
SCPA-EN-00032 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00032
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature, SCPA-EN-00032 is to be contained in a secure airtight chamber with dimensions no less than 5 x 5 x 5 meters at all times. The walls, ceiling, and floor must be made of solid concrete with standard reinforced steel framing. The chamber must also possess a specialized air filtration system that exchanges air and actively filters out any viral particles. Any individual wishing to enter SCPA-EN-00032's containment chamber must undergo a decontamination process beforehand, including full body disposal suits and an intense radiation scan. There must always be at least two (2) trained armed guards positioned at the exit of the chamber with orders to terminate SCPA-EN-00032 immediately should it breach containment or attempt to exit. In any case of exposure to SCPA-EN-00032 or its viral particles, personnel must undergo immediate containment and quarantine.
SCPA-EN-00032 is a viral creature that is capable of shapeshifting and taking on any form it chooses. The creature is made up of small discreet particles invisible to the naked eye. It infects its host, assuming full control of its body, and can reproduce entirely new, self-sustaining instances of itself by consuming the host's living cells. SCPA-EN-00032 will then be able to observe, learn, and ultimately perfect the art of mimicking the host down to the most subtle detail. The creature displays an alarming intelligence, capable of understanding any race, language or culture it learns from, allowing it to deceive and manipulate anyone it encounters. Its mimicking ability is so advanced that even the closest acquaintances would not recognize it as an impersonation.
SCPA-EN-00032 is only capable of surviving and reproducing in living hosts. The creature's viral particles are transmitted via bodily fluids, with high-density concentrations of particles found in the saliva and blood of the infect host. The infected hosts of SCPA-EN-00032 begin to mutate, becoming increasingly more aggressive and will resist attempts to remove it from the body. SCPA-EN-00032's ability to propagate makes it exponentially more dangerous, as it has no natural predator, and destroys all living beings in its path, potentially wiping out all form of life everywhere.
Additional Information:
Due to SCPA-EN-00032's ability to take on the appearance of any person, all personnel in the area should maintain strict identification protocols to prevent potential exposure. Any case of a known SCPA-EN-00032 infection must be reported immediately to the responsible personnel. Furthermore, there need to be standing regulations on the handling of SCPA-EN-00032-infected persons, with strict containment and sterilization procedures.
Refer to the related documents "SCPA Foundation Field Guide" and "Viral Outbreak Survival Handbook" for more information.
Classification Level:
Top Secret.
Anyone who becomes aware of a possible SCPA-EN-00032 host should report the situation immediately. Failure to report a possible exposure could result in disciplinary action, including containment and/or termination.
Record #:
Incident Report.
Dr. Jasmine Lee.
Dr. John Doe.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00032 "Viral Shapeshifter"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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