SCPA-EN-00347 "The Time-Looping Watch"
SCPA-EN-00347 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00347
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00347 is to be stored in a secure locker in Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00347 is only granted to Level 2 personnel and above with authorization from at least one Level 4 personnel. Any experimentation with SCPA-EN-00347 must have prior approval from at least two Level 4 personnel. Unauthorized use of SCPA-EN-00347 is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.
SCPA-EN-00347 is a silver wristwatch with a black leather strap. It appears to be a normal analog watch with the brand name “Swatch” engraved on the back cover. SCPA-EN-00347 has two buttons on either side of the crown that do not have any noticeable effect when pressed. SCPA-EN-00347's anomalous properties manifest when the wearer sets the watch to a future time and activates the alarm by pressing the button above the crown. When the alarm goes off, SCPA-EN-00347 resets time back to the moment the wearer set the watch and the wearer is transported to their past self's body right before the alarm activation. This process creates a time loop, with events repeating themselves up to the moment when the wearer set the watch.
Initial testing revealed that the time loop is triggered for everyone who is within a 10-meter radius of SCPA-EN-00347 when the alarm is activated. Testing also revealed that SCPA-EN-00347 can only set time to a maximum of 24 hours into the future. The time loop can only be broken if the watch is removed from the wearer's person, preventing access to the alarm button, or if the wearer sets the watch to a time in the past.
Additional Information:
Users of SCPA-EN-00347 report feelings of déjà vu and confusion after returning to their past selves. Experimentation to determine the long-term effects of SCPA-EN-00347 on the human mind is still ongoing.
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00347-01
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00347-02
Classification level:
Level 3
Personnel with access to SCPA-EN-00347 are reminded that unauthorized use of SCPA-EN-00347 is strictly prohibited and can lead to disciplinary action.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00347-03
Dr. ███████
Dr. ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00347 "The Time-Looping Watch"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
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