SCPA-EN-00037 "The Memory Capsule"
SCPA-EN-00037 Report
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00037 is to be kept in a standard anomalous object locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00037 requires Level 2 clearance and must be approved by at least one Level 3 personnel. SCPA-EN-00037 is not to be removed from its container unless authorized by Level 3 or higher personnel. Any testing involving SCPA-EN-00037 must be approved by at least two Level 3 personnel and performed under video surveillance.
SCPA-EN-00037 appears to be an ordinary aluminum pill container, measuring 4 cm in height and 2 cm in diameter, with a screw-on cap. The container's label indicates that it contains "Memory Capsules," a prescription drug marketed for improving memory function. The actual contents of the container, however, are unknown, as the pills or capsules it contains have proven resistant to analysis.
When the cap of SCPA-EN-00037 is removed, it emits a series of electromagnetic waves that temporarily alter the brainwaves of any individuals within a 5-meter radius. This alteration causes individuals within the area of effect to experience a series of vivid, elaborate memories that are not their own. These memories appear to be entirely random and have been noted to include highly detailed and emotional events such as weddings, births, and deaths.
Individuals who have experienced these altered memories report a sense of disorientation and brief memory loss immediately afterward. Testing has indicated that the individuals' own memories are temporarily suppressed during the effect, which lasts for 3 to 5 minutes before wearing off.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00037 was recovered from a medical supply store in ███████, USA, after an unusual number of reports of memory loss and unusual memories were reported by customers using the Memory Capsules from the pharmacy.
Document-EN-00037-A: Incident Report of Initial Containment of SCPA-EN-00037
Document-EN-00037-B: Testing Log of SCPA-EN-00037
Classification level: Confidential
Personnel with a history of memory-related disorders or illnesses should not be allowed within the area of effect of SCPA-EN-00037. In case of accidental exposure, the individual should be immediately removed from the area and monitored for any ongoing effects.
Record #:
Experiment Log
Dr. ████████
Site Director ██████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00037 "The Memory Capsule"
Additional research is underway...
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