SCPA-EN-00152: Poltergeist Inhibitor Device
Item #: SCPA-EN-00152
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00152 should be kept in a standard Safe-class containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00152 requires Level-2 clearance and approval from at least two senior researchers. Any usage of SCPA-EN-00152 must be supervised by at least one Level-3 senior researcher.
SCPA-EN-00152 is a small handheld device, measuring 10.2 cm x 5.8 cm x 2.5 cm and weighing 200 grams, which is used to inhibit the presence and activity of poltergeists within a 20-meter radius for 24 hours. SCPA-EN-00152 emits a low-frequency sound wave at a specific frequency that has been shown to deter poltergeists from interacting with their environment in their usual manner. This allows for individuals to temporarily continue their regular activities without interference from poltergeists.
Due to the nature of the sound wave, it can also be used to disrupt the activity of other anomalous entities that would typically interfere with human or environmental functions. However, there is currently no known method of permanently neutralizing SCPA-EN-00152's effects on poltergeists or any other anomalous entities.
Additional Information:
The exact mechanism by which SCPA-EN-00152 inhibits poltergeist activity is not fully understood, but it is hypothesized that it interferes with the poltergeist's ability to interact with their environment by affecting their electromagnetic field.
SCPA-EN-00152 was recovered from a private research laboratory in ███████, United States. The device was discovered in the possession of a self-proclaimed paranormal investigator who claimed to have invented SCPA-EN-00152 after experiencing intense paranormal activity in a house he was investigating.
SCPA-████, SCPA-████, SCPA-████
Classification level:
The use of SCPA-EN-00152 is to be limited to situations where the presence of poltergeists or other anomalous entities is causing significant interference with human or environmental functions. Under no circumstances is SCPA-EN-00152 to be used to neutralize poltergeists or anomalous entities indefinitely.
Record #:
Experiment Log: SCPA-EN-00152
Dr. ██████
Site Director ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00152: Poltergeist Inhibitor Device
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/24 13:27
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